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Low Bridge on Embankment Road

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The rail bridge has a height restriction of 4.8m, with Embankment Road dipping down under the bridge to achieve this clearance. This is a separate structure from the higher cycle-pedestrian bridge which is located just south of it. There are no proposals to remove the cycle-pedestrian bridge.

Image showing the low bridge on Embankment Road.

Although now redundant, the rail bridge's height currently prevents high-sided vehicles from using Embankment Road reducing the operational effectiveness of the MRN route and forcing these vehicles to use alternative routes which are often less direct and suitable for HGV traffic.

Flooding events also occur at the location due to the poor vertical carriageway and culvert alignment, causing significant disruption. The proposed scheme will significantly reduce the likelihood of flooding events improving the reliability and resilience of the route and will enable the MRN route to be used by high-sided vehicles, as well as improving access to the City Centre and Millbay Port supporting the city’s newly acquired Freeport status.

Additionally, removal of the bridge provides an opportunity for an upgrade of cycle-pedestrian facilities at this location. Current proposals include the creation of a cycle-pedestrian ramp on the west side of the A374 Embankment Road linking to the cycle-pedestrian bridge and existing off road routes.