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Using ICT as a support tool

Accessibility and school computer networks

Pupils needing accessibility adaptations should be supported to modify their computer settings. If they do not have access to adapt their settings, the school’s technical support staff will need to support this as a reasonable adjustment linked to expectations from the Equality Act 2010.

Important aspects to consider with computer use include:

  • Setting up the computer (positioning and pupil posture)
  • Keyboards difficulties (isolating individual keys, strings of unwanted letters and inability to see lettering on the keyboard / uppercase letters unknown)
  • Mouse difficulties (pointers move to quickly / unable to double click)
  • Screen difficulties (icon size to small / pointer difficult to spot)

The following websites provide practical advice around adapting computer setups to overcome possible difficulties:

For Microsoft operating systems visit the Microsoft website.

For Apple Mac users information visit the Apple website.

Using computers to support a range of needs

Factsheets about how computers and other digital technologies can help with a range of needs are available on the Ability Net website.

Using computers as an alternative method of writing

Information about teaching keyboarding and touch typing can be found at the AbilityNet website and there are many free typing programs available on the internet. Doorway Online is one such program that has been recommended by SENCOs.

Supportive writing tools and multi-media programs recommended by SENCOs include Clicker (Crick Software) and a range of products from 2 Simple Software.

Electronic books

UK Education Collection - Provide access to e versions of text books and reading material for print impaired students for example, VI or Dyslexic. Schools need to own the printed book before downloading the e book.

Young Calibre - Postal audio library for children with disabilities.

Listening books - Postal/online audio library. Books are available as downloads or posted as CDs.

Oxford Owl - Free online ebooks with activities for primary pupils aimed at home and school use.