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Dangerous wild animal licence

The keeping of certain species of wild animals is controlled by the Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976. Anyone wishing to keep dangerous animals requires a licence to do so.

Prior to granting the licence the Council will carry out a series of checks to ensure accommodation and safeguards are suitable. Once a licence has been issued the owner is subject to periodic inspections to ensure that standards are being maintained. Licenses are granted for two years.


Animal Activity Application Fee (Part A) Grant Fee (Part B)
Dangerous Wild Animals - New Application (One class of animal) £424.35 £190.65
Dangerous Wild Animals - New Application (more than one class of animal) £509.22 £228.78
Dangerous Wild Animals - Renewal (one class of animal) £334.65 £150.35
Dangerous Wild Animals - Renewal (more than one  class of animal) £342.93 £154.07


When we receive your application we'll contact you to take payment.