European Union (EU) citizens are no longer automatically entitled to register to vote and stand for election.
Two groups of EU citizens will retain their rights.
Qualifying EU citizens
Qualifying EU citizens from countries with reciprocal agreements, and who have leave, or do not require it, to remain in the UK - currently Denmark, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal and Spain.
EU citizens with 'retained rights'
EU citizens with 'retained rights' who, on or before 31 December 2020, were legally resident in the UK, had permission to enter or stay in the UK, Channel Islands or Isle of Man, or who did not need permission, and this has continued without a break.
Review process
We will contact EU citizens by email or letter from Friday 29 November 2024.
If we contact you informing you that you are still eligible to vote, you do not need to do anything. You will remain eligible to vote in:
- Local elections
- Police and Crime Commissioner elections
You will not be eligible to vote in UK Parliamentary general elections.
If you have received a letter or email asking you to confirm your eligibility, you will need to enter a one-time 9-digit passcode on GOV.UK to provide evidence of your eligibility.
If you do not reply by Sunday 26 January 2025 you will be removed from the electoral register and will need to reapply on GOV.UK.