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Bumper boost to tackle Plymouth’s potholes


Work to repair potholes, replace broken street lights and fix out-of-order traffic lights has been given a major financial boost after Council Leader Tudor Evans released over £8m to the highways capital budget.

The administration committed to investing in repairing more of the city’s roads quickly and the £8.2m funding allocation means that more money is being released over the next year to tackle potholes using innovative and cost-effective techniques. It will also be used to replace or repair broken street lights and traffic lights.

Funding also includes £372,000 to reinforce the Laira Rail Bridge walking and cycling link, which has been out of action the past few weeks. Repairs include new decking and installation of lighting across the whole bridge.

Council Leader Tudor Evans said: “I know that the state of our roads and pavements is a huge concern for people in Plymouth. We have promised to do all we can to carry out repairs and keep our city moving and this budget supports our commitment. 

“Despite our significant financial challenges, including huge increases in the cost of delivering road repairs, we have fixed more potholes than ever. We are being smart about how we spend our money, making sure we focus on those areas that are in the most need of repair, whilst using innovative tools to carry out the work.

“We are committed to doing all we can to improve our roads. We know there are problems and we will do all we can to fix them.”

We have been trialling the ‘Velocity’ machine, which can carry out permanent, durable repairs at a fraction of the cost and, because there’s no excavation, no waste and no heat involved, it creates a significantly lower carbon footprint.

The two machines in the trial have achieved over 8,000 repairs at the same cost as using 1,200 traditional repair techniques.

Councillor Mark Coker, Cabinet Member for Strategic Planning and Transport, said: “These machines have revolutionised how we fix our roads. There’s no excavation, no waste, often no need for road closures and repairs are ready to drive on in minutes. The repairs cost a third of the price of traditional techniques, and because there’s no heat involved, it’s also exceptionally low on carbon emissions.

“Our use of this technology has attracted attention from other highway authorities across the country, who are keen to learn from our approach. Over the next year I will continue to look at what further innovation can be identified in the fight against potholes.”