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Contractor appointed to prep for Civic Square improvements


Plans to revive, rejuvenate and restore parts of the city centre are picking up pace with the appointment of Morgan Sindall to carry out pre-construction services for Civic Square.

A delegated decision has been signed awarding the contract to the company for work which entails detailed programming and developing the construction phases and plans.

Morgan Sindall were last week awarded the contract for the next phase of the improvement works for Old Town Street and New George Street.

The Civic Square project is part of Plymouth’s High Street Heritage Action Zone, a partnership between Historic England and the Council and will see the restoration of its most important heritage features as well as new additions to make cycling, walking and public transport more attractive.

Improvements include:

•  New tree planting and work to existing trees

•  Soft landscaping

•  Repairing mid-century features such as pool copings, planter seating and restoration of the banded natural stone terrace

•  Repairing the pond to improve water quality, filtration and biodiversity

•  Returning the flagpoles to the square on the original axis

•  New modern seating and street furniture

•  On-street parking spaces in front of the courts is going to expand the square, with new spaces created on Princess Street and more spaces at the Guildhall car park

Councillor Jonathan Drean, Cabinet Member for Transport, said: “The square is a Grade II registered park and garden and is important to our heritage. But we are also bearing in mind our future needs and trying to make greener travel the easier option for people, which is why we will also see mobility hub, including electric vehicle charge points, e-bikes, car clubs and information on local transport.”

The scheme costs £3.02m including £2,009,047 from the Transforming Cities Fund and £1,014,824 High Street Heritage Action Zone.

Some initial work has already been carried out with new parking spaces created and shrub clearance. It is hoped that work on-site will start in the Autumn.