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Repairs planned for Devils Point pool

Devil's Point

One of Plymouth's best-loved bathing spots will be getting a makeover early next year.

Devil's Point tidal pool is where generation after generation of Plymothians swam their first strokes and is popular with people of all ages each summer.

But its vulnerable coastal position means that it takes a battering from the elements and needs constant upkeep.

In early 2024, the structural integrity of the pool will be strengthened using well-established techniques for the repair of marine structures. A combination of preformed and reinforced concrete with marine-grade stainless steel reinforcement will help ensure that the pool is fit for years to come.

While the pool is being repaired, there will also be upgrades to the access and facilities around Firestone Bay.

Replacement hand-rails, new lockers for the swimming community and repairs to the steps are all in the schedule.

Councillor Chris Penberthy, Cabinet Member for Housing, Cooperative Development and Communities, said: "We know that residents love the pool at Devil's Point and so its vitally important that we look after it.

"Of course, we'll never be able to literally hold back the tide to protect it but these works will be crucial to ensuring, especially in these economic times, that there is a free resource for families to use when the nice weather returns next summer."

Councillor Tom Briars-Delve, Cabinet Member for the Environment and Climate Change, added: "Devil's Point is a key focal point of our National Marine Park and so to ensure that it is fit for the next generation to enjoy is a really positive move."

Works are expected to begin in March 2024 as the weather and tides become more favourable and will take approximately 10 weeks. While every effort will be made to maintain access to the beach, there may be some disruption while work takes place.

Any environmental implications will be reviewed prior to any work on site.