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NZAP Governance and delivery

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Corporate commitments

GD1 - Strategic overview and coordination

We commit to maintain the strategic overview and coordination of corporate carbon reduction, and a phased programme for introducing offsetting to deal with residual emissions. 

Our goal for 2024 to 2027 is to publish the annual corporate greenhouse monitoring reports, demonstrating progress towards net zero and providing evidence of the effectiveness of the Net Zero Action Plan.

By 2030 our aspiration is that the Council has reduced its corporate emissions to as close to zero as possible, and is offsetting its residual emissions.


Action Owner
Develop a Council-wide emissions offsetting plan setting out the overall approach to addressing residual emissions from Council activities.  Strategic Director for Place
Develop a performance framework for the Net Zero Action Plan, providing quantified measures where possible in order to track progress to net zero.  Assistant Chief Executive
As part of the review of the Council's performance framework, add one Climate Emergency-related performance measure for each Council department. Assistant Chief Executive

2024 to 2027

Action Owner
Collect performance data relating to the Council’s greenhouse gas emissions report this annually through the Climate Connections website and on our corporate website.  Assistant Chief Executive 
Continue to provide strategic leadership of the climate emergency through the Council's Climate Emergency Board, which will maintain a strategic focus on the commitment to be a net zero organisation by 2030 by meeting at least 3 times a year.  Strategic Director for Place

GD2 - Strategic overview of finance

We commit to deliver a strategic overview of climate emergency-related budget pressures and funding opportunities.

Our goal for 2024 to 2027 is to increase externally funded climate emergency investment year on year.

By 2030 our aspiration is that climate considerations have been mainstreamed into each investment and other key decisions.


Action Owner
Deliver the Climate Emergency Investment Fund to accelerate investment in corporate carbon reduction projects and climate emergency initiatives, secure external grant funding and reduce corporate energy costs. Service Director for Finance
Review our treasury practices, principles and schedules to determine what criteria to apply to our own investment, developing our Environmental, Social and Governance section to reflect our ambition to achieve Net Zero. Service Director for Finance

2024 to 2027

Action Owner
Keeping under active review all opportunities for external funding to support the Council's and City's net zero aspirations, including for example grants and developer contributions.  Strategic Director for Place
Continue to seek financial and in-kind contributions from partners and other external funding sources to enable the Plymouth Net Zero Partnership to deliver effective strategic leadership of the Plymouth's net zero emissions.  Strategic Director for Place


Action Owner
Evaluate the financial risks and benefits of implementing Climate Municipal Bonds, including identifying a suitable renewable project with community interest. Service Director for Finance

GD3 - Offsetting

We commit to develop local offsetting projects to provide options for the Council and others to meet their offsetting needs in the local area. 

Our goal for 2024 to 2027 is 2 local carbon offset projects fully developed and receiving investment by 2026.

By 2030 our aspiration is that our residual corporate emissions are offset by local initiatives that bring financial and environmental benefits to our city and local area. 


Action Owner
Deliver Plymouth and South Devon Community Forest Woodland Carbon Credits project.  Strategic Director for Place

2024 to 2026

Action Owner
Utilise Ocean City Nature as the delivery mechanism for local offsetting, in collaboration with Plymouth Net Zero Partnership. Strategic Director for Place
Continue to investigate potential for retrofit carbon code and deliver local housing retrofit carbon offsetting project. Strategic Director for Place

2024 to 2027

Action Owner
Develop carbon code for seagrass and deliver local seagrass blue carbon offsetting project.  Strategic Director for Place

GD4 - Management of impacts

We commit to manage risks to the Council’s service delivery arising from the likely impacts of climate change. 

Our goal for 2024 to 2027 is to complete and roll out corporate adaptation plans into service business planning by end of 2024/25.

By 2030 our aspiration is that all Council services are delivered with an awareness and understanding of the potential impacts of climate change on the citizens they are provided for.


Action Owner
Undertake an organisational review of potential corporate impacts of climate change and prepare and implement an Adaptation Plan and Climate Change risk assessment to help the Council prepare for and manage the impacts of climate change on the services it provides. Strategic Director for Place

2024 to 2026

Action Owner
Deliver the Council’s Plan for Trees to improve the city’s resilience to the effects of climate change, including cooling our streets in the summer, providing shelter from winds, reducing energy costs, slowing down water runoff, reducing flooding, filtering and absorbing pollution, improving air quality and tackling climate change through carbon sequestration.  Strategic Director for Place

2024 to 2027

Action Owner
Use natural infrastructure and the 'healthy streets' process proactively to deliver climate friendly projects, resilient spaces, healthy places and capture carbon.  Strategic Director for Place
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Influencing commitments

GD5 - City and region governance

We commit to support effective City and Regional governance and action on the climate emergency. 

Our goal for 2024 to 2027 is to establish a Net Zero Partnership Board delivery plan by 2025.

Citywide aspirations for 2030 can be found on the Climate Connections Plymouth website.


Action Owner
Incorporate climate emergency-related questions into the City Survey in 2024. Assistant Chief Executive
Create a cross-party Sustainability Advisory Group to the Cabinet Member for Environment and Climate Change, to inform future actions. Strategic Director for Place

2024 to 2027

Action Owner
Support the effective operation and growth of the Plymouth Net Zero Partnership in its city leadership role for the City's net zero agenda.  Strategic Director for Place
Work with regional partners on the Devon Carbon Plan and the Devon, Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Adaptation Plan.  Strategic Director for Place


Action Owner
Encourage and support DELT in achieving a 'B Corporation' status, to certify its sustainability and low carbon credentials. Assistant Chief Executive

GD6 – Central Government lobbying 

We commit to lobby government for flexibilities, powers and resources to enable the Council and its partners to deliver a net zero city, and one that is resilient to the effects of climate change.

Our goal for 2024 to 2027 is that public affairs are reviewed proactively to support the delivery of the actions set out in the Net Zero Action Plan where appropriate.

Citywide aspirations for 2030 can be found on the Climate Connections Plymouth website.

2024 to 2027

Action Owner
Keep under review national policy and legislation relating to net zero, including identifying opportunities for influencing the Government through relevant public affairs activity as and when appropriate. Assistant Chief Executive