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The North Prospect Estate is in the process of substantial change in the form of a major renewal and refurbishment project. The Area Planning Statement sets out to guide that change but also to draw out some issues which will require further consideration. It draws on previous work undertaken as part of the Sustainable Neighbourhood programme and publications by Levitt Bernstein undertaken on behalf of Plymouth Community Homes (PCH). It also takes into account previous comments from the local community and from work with other bodies.

In addition to setting out planning and design principles, it considers wider regeneration goals which will help to transform North Prospect into a new vibrant sustainable community. The views of both the existing community and future residents will be vital, in this process and will be sought as part of the consultation process for this Planning Statement.

The North Prospect Area Planning Statement was approved by Council on 28 January 2013 when it was agreed that the Area Planning Statement would be adopted as interim planning guidance to be used in consideration of future development proposals in North Prospect. Thereafter, the Area Planning Statement will be used to inform the Plymouth Plan, which will become part of the suite of formal planning documents.

Background documents

The North Prospect Spatial Strategy and Design Code documents prepared by Levitt Bernstein on behalf of Plymouth Community Homes (PCH) can be found on the Plymouth Community Homes website.