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Wellbeing Strategy Action Plan

Ensure that we are working in a mindful way as an employer

  • Increasing knowledge around Mental Health illness

  • Increase our partnerships across the city to increase our ability to signpost colleagues to appropriate help

  • Ensure our reasonable adjustments are suitable and sufficient

  • Ensure our onsite facilities can accommodate and encourage positive Wellbeing

  • Increase our Wellbeing Champions initiative by 50% across the organisation

ActionResponsiblityTimeframeProgress update
To work with Senior Leadership and Management Teams to increase the knowledge of Mental Health and Wellbeing AwarenessHRODOngoing  
To connect and network across the city with relevant organisations to be able to sign post our employees appropriatelyHROD2021 
Ensuring our current knowledge about reasonable adjustments for employees is relevant and fit for purposeHRODOngoing  
Redesigning Wellbeing Rooms to reflect the need for a calm space within available resourcesWellbeing Specialist with FMPrior to wellbeing week 18/05/2020 
Recruit and increase our Wellbeing Champions initiative by 50% to increase the supportive measure for our employeesODPH2019 - 2020 review annually Complete 

Offer a wider range of supportive measures to address Muscular Skeletal health

  • Increase awareness and knowledge around physical health whilst at work
  • Encourage employees to engage with local organisations who offer schemes to address any muscular skeletal health
  • Provide additional support to our manual labour workforce
ActionResponsibility Timeframe Progress update 
Working with Marjons, Nuffield Health and Livewell Southwest implement health MOT’s for staffHROD  
Ensure that the long term pain clinic information is cascaded to staffHROD  
Continue to proactively ensure all of our manual workforce are adhering to HSW regulationsDirectorates and HROD  

Healthier employees

  • Ensure we are signposting and enabling all of our employees to build a healthier lifestyle into their working week
  • Encourage our employees to proactively seek activities that suit them personally
  • Embrace the idea of outside meetings, walking meetings and lunch time activities
  • Create a Wellbeing Week of activities with taster sessions for employees
ActionResponsibility TimeframeProgess update
Ensure our employees are aware of our cycle to work scheme and encourageHRODOngoing 
Invite more partnership agencies to provide after work activities onsiteHRODOngoing 
Share information and encourage walking meetings to increase a healthier working week.Directorates 2020-2021 
Create a wellbeing week with activities for all staff available to encourage self-care and healthier life choicesHROD18 May then reoccuring annuallyIn working progress 
Facilitate front line manual workers to have NHS health checksHRODOngoing