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Armada Way future will be fully scrutinised in New Year


New proposals for Armada Way will be thoroughly scrutinised through the Council’s democratic processes before any final decision on the design is made.

To ensure full scrutiny and consideration of the proposals, the future of Armada Way will be considered by a special meeting of the Growth and Infrastructure Overview and Scrutiny Committee before being discussed by Cabinet ahead of a final decision on the scheme.

The Overview and Scrutiny Committee is made up of councillors from all parties. They act as a 'critical friend' to Cabinet, reviewing proposals and considering any recommendations that they might have. Their views are presented to Cabinet as part of the final decision-making process.

Members sitting on the committees will be asked to look at the results of the consultation and any suggested design changes in response to public feedback.

The completion of a six-week consultation was undertaken this autumn by ECF, independent engagement specialists. ECF have been analysing all the feedback. This has been compiled into a report which has now been submitted to the Council. Officers and members will consider all the views and review the design in light of the feedback.

On 22 January, the Growth and Infrastructure Overview and Scrutiny Committee  will scrutinise a raft of materials – including the feedback raised in the consultation and the Council’s response to each of the key themes raised. This includes any amends and adjustments made to the scheme as a result. 

The views and any recommendations from this cross-party Committee, will then be presented to Cabinet on 5 February for consideration.

At a subsequent Cabinet meeting on 19 February, the final scheme will be presented, which will include consideration of the recommendations from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, and a final decision will be made.

Reports will be published in advance of all meetings and sessions will be broadcast live online. Anyone wanting to make representations at the meetings can see the process to do so here.

Councillor Tudor Evans, Leader of Plymouth City Council, said: “We have been clear that the decision-making process has to be robust and open, to enable full scrutiny on the proposals.  

“Thank you to everyone who took part in our consultation. It is clear that people want to see the situation sorted and want us to move on and create a city centre that we can all be proud of.”

The Let’s Talk Armada Way website will stay live throughout this process and you can still sign-up to receive updates on the website to make you are kept in the loop.