Choosing and finding childcare, free early education and childcare, get extra funding for your child's nursery or childminder
Book a conversation with a Family Support Worker to talk about any worries or questions you may have
If you are a professional working with a child and need to contact their social worker or speak to someone for advice.
What to expect if you are involved with our social work teams
Information on services for young people including community youth, youth justice service and the Youth Parliament
Together for Childhood aims to provide help and support for children, young people and their families at the earliest possible stage
What to report, how to report it and what happens
How to complain and how your complaint is dealt with
Visit our Adopt South West website
Visit our Foster for Plymouth website
Children and young people come in to care for lots of different reasons, either because their parents can't look after them or it's not safe for them to live at home
Support available for special guardians
The Plymouth Young Carer Support Hub contains all the information you need to know
Current vacancies and information about working in children's services
Information about the 'A Bright Future' plan
A place for families, parents, carers and young people in Plymouth to find support and advice
Setting up a childcare business, childcare business support, training and development for childcare providers, safeguarding and welfare for childcare providers, extra funding (Early Years Pupil Premium)