Our Vision
Community Connections is a multi-disciplinary team, working across localities, with and in communities, to support and empower citizens to make sustainable change in their lives.
We can help you with...
- Information and advice about housing options
- Improving your home to help you live safely and independently
- Getting involved in your community
- Making your community a safer place to live
- Providing youth services in your community
- Introducing you to services that can help you
- Helping you into work and volunteering, to enrich your life
- Solving problems in your neighbourhood.
Contact us
Email: [email protected]
Apply for a gypsy and traveller pitch, report a problem or an unauthorised gypsy and traveller site
Information about private renting
Apply for equipment and adaptations for your home
Information about Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) including standards
Advice and support if you're homeless or at risk, find a home, information for tenants and landlords
Find detailed information about your neighbourhood
How we work with young people
Plymouth is a multi-cultural city with many diverse communities
Improving outcomes for people experiencing multiple disadvantages