This is a surface level pay and display car park.
Charges apply to all including motorcycles and blue badge holders. A vehicle displaying a valid Blue Badge can park for an extra hour after expiry of purchased time.
Courtenay Street, PL1 1EP
A what3words address refers to a 3 metre square location. You can find Courtenay Street car park at: using.dairy.worth
Charging period
Monday to Sunday, At All Times including bank/public holidays.
9am to 9pm
- £1.65 one hour
- £2.90 two hours
- £3.85 up to three hours
9pm to 9am
- £1.65 one hour
- £2.90 two hours
- £3.85 over two hours
How to pay
- Pay and display machine (chip and contactless credit and debit card facilities only)
- Pay by RingGo via the mobile phone app, website or by phone on 01752 683 977. Courtenay Street car park location code is 16897.
- 30 spaces (including 10 disabled bays)
- maximum stay three hours during the daytime
- no return within one hour
- this car park is available for use 24 hours a day 7 days a week
- no height restriction