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Creative Art Journaling with On Course South West at Southway Library


When home space is limited, small art-making projects, such as art journaling, can offer a private place to create, dream and be spontaneous. There are many forms of journals, and not all need to be written, though words can be included. Journals can therefore serve different purposes. Some people use them as life-enhancing manifesting journals - what would you like to have happen next in your life?

An image can be more effective than writing a description by itself or might lead to writing better descriptions. A journal can plant the seeds of inspiration in a spontaneous and non-critical way to be developed further on and to practice experimenting working with art materials.

Another type of journal is known as a Commonplace scrapbooking journal - the collecting of pearls of wisdom, poetry, lines from books you might have read, in fact, any form of phrase or image that is meaningful to you.

This course will blend your art and found images with words. You will be invited to gently let go of delusions about perfectionism and instead free up your energy by giving yourself permission to notice instead the 'creative beauty' in the experience of just making artistic marks on the page, sticking things down and simply enjoying it! Experiencing letting go of negative self-talk in the process is very liberating for any aspect of life.

This course is run by our partners On Course South West. To find out more information and enrol on the course visit the On Course South West website.

Location: Southway Library