Domestic abuse is when a family member or someone you're in a couple relationship with treats you in a way that harms you physically, emotionally or sexually. It can include:
- physical violence such as hitting, kicking, pushing or chocking
- emotional abuse and controlling behaviour such as stopping you seeing family or friends, being jealous or possessive, threatening, putting you down, bullying or blackmailing
- sexual violence such as forcing you to do something you don't want to do, pressuring you to have sex, or making you watch pornography
- financial abuse such as not letting you work or taking your money.
Domestic abuse happens in all communities to people from all backgrounds and anyone can be a victim.
Where to get help
If you're worried about violence or abuse from your partner, ex-partner or a member of your family you can get help and advice.
For help in an emergency call 999. You can also call the police on 101 in a non-emergency.
Plymouth Domestic Abuse Service (PDAS) and refuge
If you need support and protection from abuse call the Plymouth Domestic Abuse Service on 01752 252033 or the Plymouth refuge on 01752 562286.
Trevi is a local charity offering a range of support for women. The Sunflower Centre offers a safe space for women to receive support and connect with other women. It offers a wraparound therapeutic service for any woman in need in the City. This could include: addictions, mental wellbeing, health, criminogenic behaviours, domestic abuse and social isolation. Every year, Sunflower supports and empowers more than 700 local women, many with complex needs and experience of trauma and abuse.
Should you, or someone you know, need help and support please contact:
Sunflower Women’s Centre
Telephone: 01752 977614
If you're being abused or you're a family member of someone that's being abused call the Refuge 24 hour helpline on 0808 2000 247.
Women's Aid
You can also send Women's Aid an email to one of their support workers or contact them using Webchat.
Men's Advice Line
If you're a man experiencing domestic violence and abuse from a partner (or ex-partner) call the Men's Advice Line on 0808 801 0327.
Victim Support
If you're affected by abuse you can call Victim Support on 0808 168 9111.
24 hour helpline on 0808 2000 247
Help for abusers
Respect phoneline
Respect phoneline is a confidential and anonymous helpline offering advice, information and support for anyone concerned about their violence and/or abuse towards a partner or ex-partner, you can call on 0808 8024040.
Ahimsa is a local domestic violence programme for those who are violent and/or abusive towards a partner or ex-partner, you can call on 01752 213535.
Free 24 hour helplines
- Refuge: 0808 2000 247
- NHS: 111
- Samaritans: 116 123
- Childline: 0800 1111
- NSPCC: 0808 800 5000
- Family lives: 0808 800 2222
- Shelter: 0808 800 4444