Events enhance identity of place and provide a high quality, distinctive experience for visitors and local people as well as generating significant economic impact.
The council’s Events Team delivers an exciting programme of major events and works with partners to bring global events to the city. We also recognise the importance of home-grown community events and are keen to ensure we have variety throughout the year.
Events and activities
You must apply for site permission for your event or activity, if any of the following apply:
- more than 50 people will attend, or your planned event or activity is in one of our smaller parks and will therefore limit other public use.
- you will be charging for people to take part
- you promote the event, for example on social media, posters or flyers
- you want to put up structures, such as a bouncy castle, portable toilets, barriers or staging
- you want to sell alcohol or provide licensable entertainment. For information about this see the guide to entertainment
- you need vehicle access to the site
We need at least 3 months to allow time to process your application. As the landowner, we reserve the right to refuse permission for any application.
A vigil is a period of time when a gathering of people remain quietly in a place, especially at night, for example as an act of remembrance, because they are praying or are making a protest. If there is no march involved, you have no requirement to tell the Police. If the Vigil is being held on Council land you should notify us in advance.
See the list of our parks.
Protests and marches
Read the guidance for protests and marches on GOV.UK.
Plymouth Hoe
Plymouth Hoe – The Hoe is earmarked for events of significant scale and those which have vast media reach putting Plymouth on the map nationally and internationally. Examples include Armed Forces Day which attracts 50,000 people, The Great Britain Sail Grand Prix which broadcasts to over 70 global territories and Megaride, one of the UK’s largest charity motorcycle ride outs with thousands taking part.
Central Park
Central Park is suitable for events of all shapes and sizes from small community events to larger music concerts and cultural happenings. Events such as music concerts up to 10,000 people, the Cancer Research ‘Pretty Muddy’ obstacle course and the Funky Llama festival of arts are perfect for Central Park.
Other Green Spaces are available using the application form, email if you have any questions.
Bond Fees
A bond will be held by the council from all applicants. This will be to ensure that any damage or failure to clear waste can be recovered and the City Council is not left to cover these costs.
These will be fully refunded once it is established there are no repairs or clearance needed. The level of the bond is set out below; this is based on risk of damage. Bonds will be scored on an individual basis and other considerations may impact the score.
Tier 1 (Under 10 points) | £100 |
Tier 2 (11 to 20 points) | £250 |
Tier 3 (21 to 29 points) | £500 |
Tier 4 (30 to 39 points) | £1000 |
Tier 5 (40 points and over) | £1500 |
Admin Charge
Events held at Plymouth Hoe and Central Park will be liable to pay an admin charge based on the size of your event.
Site hire charge
Local and Regional charity or not for profit events are exempt from paying a hire charge.
Hire charges for commercial events and national charity events will be calculated on an event by event basis on receipt of your application.
Local and Regional charities are exempt from paying a site hire charge but will not be exempt from paying admin costs.
All costs will be set out in the Venue Hire Agreement and agreed prior to confirmation of the event booking.
Application process
- Submit your application
- We will confirm receipt of your application and respond to you advising you if the proposal is viable and if the date is available. We may want you to clarify some points within your application.
- When all the points have been clarified, we will confirm any fees required and level of bond.
- If you wish to proceed with your event, we will send you the Venue Hire Agreement which includes a list of all the required documentation and deadlines, the terms and conditions, site premises license and the site map.
- The event will be confirmed once we receive a signed copy of the Venue Hire Agreement and all relevant fees have been paid.
- Any breaches of the Venue Hire Agreement, including the supply of satisfactory documentation within the agreed timescales, could lead to your event being cancelled. Therefore if you have any questions or queries relating to the Venue Hire Agreement we would be more than happy to discuss these with you.
Events for the following calendar year may take slightly longer to be accepted as we will need to coordinate the overall events calendar. We have to consider the impact on residents throughout the year and our annual major events programme.
If you are an activity user, use the ‘Application’ form in the first instance and select ‘Activity’. Plymouth City Council defines activity users as organisers for exercise classes and/or little attendance and minimal infrastructure (park runs, yoga, personal training, picnics etc.).
Required documentation
The list of required documentation and deadlines will be included in your Venue Hire Agreement. The deadlines are set in order for us to have sufficient time to review and provide feedback, and forward it to other relevant partners for consideration (and if necessary forward to ESAG (Events Safety Advisory Group). Failure to meet these deadlines will put your event at risk of cancellation.
Phase 1 - Application
- Documentation: Application form via the website
- Timescale: 4 months prior to the event date
- Plymouth City Council: Events team to confirm availability, any fees and get Venue Hire Agreement signed
Phase 2 - First drafts
- Documentation: Event management plan, risk assessment, fire risk assessment, site plan, public liability insurance
- Timescale: 3 months prior to the event date
- Plymouth City Council: Events team to provide feedback
Phase 3 - Revised drafts
- Documentation: Updated versions of previously provided documents
- Timescale: 2 months prior to the event date
Phase 4 - Final versions
- Documentation: Updated versions of previously provided documents
- Timescale: 1 month prior to the event date
Phase 1 - Application
- Documentation: Application form via the website
- Timescale: 5 months prior to the event date
- Plymouth City Council: Events team to confirm availability, any fees and get Venue Hire Agreement signed
Phase 2 - First drafts
- Documentation: Event management plan, risk assessment, fire risk assessment, site plan, public liability insurance
- Timescale: 4 months prior to the event date
- Plymouth City Council: Events team to provide feedback
Phase 3 - Revised drafts
- Documentation: Updated versions of previously provided documents and (if applicable and agreed with the events team) noise management plan, relevant licenses, security/counter terrorism plan, medical plan, traffic management plan, waste management plan, environmental impact form, crowd management plan / evacuation plan, the construction (design and management) plan (cdm)
- Timescale: 3 months prior to the event date
- Plymouth City Council: Events team to email ESAG for distribution and feedback. Event Organiser may need to attend and present their event to ESAG
Phase 4 - Final versions
- Documentation: Updated versions of previously provided documents
- Timescale: 2 months prior to the event date
Phase 1 - Application
- Documentation: Application form via the website
- Timescale: 6 months prior to the event date
- Plymouth City Council: Events team to confirm availability, any fees and get Venue Hire Agreement signed
Phase 2 - First drafts
- Documentation: Event management plan, risk assessment, fire risk assessment, site plan, public liability insurance
- Timescale: 5 months prior to the event date
- Plymouth City Council: Events team to provide feedback
Phase 3 - Revised drafts
- Documentation: Updated versions of previously provided documents and (if applicable and agreed with the events team) noise management plan, relevant licenses, security/counter terrorism plan, medical plan, traffic management plan, waste management plan, environmental impact form, crowd management plan / evacuation plan, the construction (design and management) plan (cdm)
- Timescale: 4 months prior to the event date
- Plymouth City Council: Events team to email ESAG for distribution and feedback. Event Organiser may need to attend and present their event to ESAG
Phase 4 - Further revised drafts
- Documentation: Updated versions of previously provided documents
- Timescale: 3 months prior to the event date
Phase 5 - Final versions
- Documentation: Updated versions of previously provided documents
- Timescale: 2 months prior to the event date
Temporary Event Notice
If you are applying for, or have already applied for a Temporary Event Notice this does not grant permission for your event to go ahead. Permission will be given by the land owners.
Terms and conditions
The Terms and Conditions will form part of the Venue Hire Agreement. Failure to comply with these Terms and Conditions may result in cancellation of the event.
Please take time to read through these terms and conditions and discuss any issues you may have with a member of Plymouth City Council (PCC) Events team (‘Events Team’).
If you do not follow these conditions you will be at risk of having your event cancelled and use of the land revoked until the non-compliance is rectified. If the non-compliance is such that you are asked to cease your event altogether you will not be refunded any fees paid and would be at risk of losing some or all of your entire Charging Bond.
No alterations or additions should be made to an event once the Venue Hire Agreement has been issued. If alterations to events are necessary or desired further permission should be sought. For each event the Organiser MUST meet with the Events Team to discuss event details and resolve any anomalies prior to the actual event taking place.
1. Fees and charges
- All events could be liable for fees and charges, including a refundable bond fee. Please refer to the PCC Organisers Event Guide for more details on fees.
- Please note that PCC Events Team reserves the right to add or remove criteria at any time providing it has reasonable grounds for doing so.
- Events with very small numbers that have no infrastructure and wish to use the areas for picnics, walks, park runs and educational purposes will be exempt from paying any fees.
- Event Organisers will be charged a fee to vary a premises license to specify an individual as a DPS (if alcohol is sold and it is a closed site).
- The Electricity Charges shall reflect the current unit rate of electricity for the particular utility meter that has been used by The Event Organiser. The cost of energy for all utility meters is agreed between the utility supplier and The Council on a 6 month period. Final utility charges will be invoiced by the Council to the Event Organiser post event at the time a utility reading has been taken, plus a 20% service charge. It is the responsibility of the Event Organiser to remunerate all utility charges associated with their event whilst they have been on site. A copy of utility readings can be shared on request.
2. Site
- A full site plan to scale must be produced by the organiser and agreed with the PCC Events Team in line with the document deadlines.
- The event must be sited clear of main pedestrian routes and not interfere with free pedestrian movement around the park.
- Organisers hold the duty of care to assess and put reasonably practicable solutions in place if deemed appropriate for their event, this includes assessing the suitability of the event space surface. i.e. installing track mats and flooring protection for pedestrian walk ways if the event space surface is not deemed to a sufficient standard. It is the responsibility of the organiser to pay for and maintain these solutions.
- If a claim is made against the Council, The Organiser must indemnify the Council for any losses it sustained. Employers Liability and Public Liability insurance must be held by The Organiser as a requirement of this contract, to a minimum of £5 million respectively for each.
- Organisers to ensure they leave clear the secondary exit provision and have clear evacuation routes
- Organisers shall only use the event space allocated unless agreed otherwise prior to the event with PCC Events Team.
- Organisers are responsible for keeping public pathways as clear as possible and to cause minimal disruption within the park.
- No fixings to street lighting, street seats, litter bins or trees is allowed.
- Organisers that require access to the site via the locked gate and/or use of the electrical and/or water facilities will be required to pay a deposit for the lock(s).
- The organiser is responsible for ensuring that the location is kept in a clean and litter free condition. Special arrangements can be made with Plymouth City Council in advance of the event for the removal of excess litter; the hirer will meet any costs incurred.
- Organisers are responsible for liaising with local businesses/organisations to make them aware of the event and ensure there are no conflicts – The Meadow Café, Plymouth Life Centre, Plymouth Argyle Football Club.
- Any damage to the event space over and above that deemed to be general usage will be charged for. A deduction will be made from the bond for any costs incurred in so doing. No marking of the ground is allowed except by agreed consent with biodegradable marking. Portable roads should be used to prevent vehicles sinking into grassed areas, with a clear definition of usage included in the site plan.
- Should PCC incur costs for reinstatement works to the event space and/or surrounding areas and/or structures in excess of the bond amount, an invoice for the balance due will be forwarded to the Organiser for immediate settlement.
- It is the Organisers responsibility to ensure that contractors carry out any relevant surveys to ensure no cables or services are below, before fixing anything down on the grassed areas. PCC will supply any relevant drawings that are held but cannot guarantee the accuracy of these.
- It is the Organisers responsibility for filling any holes they create with soil when removing fixings/stakes from the ground.
- Electrical connection/power can be arranged, there is an additional charge for the connection.
- All appliances using electricity must be compliant with BS7571 and copies seen by the electrical contractor and/or Event Team.
- An electrical sign off certificate must be available on the day for all power for checks by PCC.
3. Noise
- Normal working hours permitted in Central Park are 8am to 9pm Monday to Saturday and 9am to 9pm on Sunday, unless with the prior agreement of the Events Team.
- The conditions contained in Annexe 1 and 2 of the Central Park premise licence PA1160 (sale of alcohol / PNA0083 (entertainment only) must be complied with at all times.
- All licensable activities must cease at 11pm where possible in order to clear the event space by midnight. Only hush generators or mains power should be used after midnight. If overnight working is required this must be agreed with PCC who will submit a variation to the licence and recharge costs accordingly.
- The criteria set out in the Noise Council’s Code of Practice on Environmental Noise Control at Concerts will be applied. A copy can be obtained from online at:
- A Noise Management Plan (NMP) must be submitted as outlined in the documentation deadlines. The NMP should identify external monitoring locations. Typical sections will include 1) Noise criteria; 2) Assessment including predicted noise levels and; 3) Noise control/complaint management procedure. This will need to be signed off by Plymouth City Council Licensing Department.
- The Music Noise Levels should not exceed the background noise level by more than 15 dB(A) over a 15 minute period at 1 metre from the façade of any noise sensitive premises.
- The event organiser must comply with any additional noise levels/restrictions imposed by the Environmental Health Department.
- You must set levels below the maximum listed above and as low as possible to entertain your customers. Should noise levels be excessive and cause unreasonable disturbance to nearby residents then the Environmental Health Department reserves the right to take enforcement action.
- A dedicated complaints contact number needs to be publicised both in advance, during and after the event for any issues. This number must be staffed and any calls to this number must be responded to in a timely fashion.
4. Health and safety
- It is the responsibility of the Organiser to ensure that all proposed activities conform to current Health and Safety Regulations and guidance including The Purple Guide and Green Guides.
- A full set of Health and Safety documents for the Event should be submitted to the Events Team as detailed in Schedule 2.
- The Premises Licence Holder shall submit the final Event Management Plan (EMP) that has been approved by the Events Team to the Licensing Authority and all responsible authorities at least 28 days before the first event day.
- The Organiser shall ensure that adequate on-site medical facilities are available for the duration of the Event in accordance with guidance in The Purple and Green Guides.
- Should the Event require road closures the Organiser will need to make application a minimum of 16 weeks prior to the event, for further information telephone Plymouth Transport and Highways (South West Highways) on 01752 668000 or email
- The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 applies to virtually all premises, including most buildings, structures and open spaces. This includes outdoor events. The order requires the “responsible person” to carry out a fire risk assessment which must focus on the safety of all relevant persons. The risk assessment must identify the fire risks that can be removed or reduced, general fire precautions and people at special risk.
- The Event Organiser shall request in writing to The Venue 30 days before the event if they wish to use any special effects such as, pyrotechnics, naked flame, cigarette, smoke, dry ice and confetti.
- The Organiser is responsible for ensuring the Event complies with CDM regulations and putting in place a full CDM plan. Should the Event also trigger the maximum period for length of time or allotted number of man hours worked, this must be notified to the HSE.
- The Organiser may be expected to present the Event in front of the Event Safety Advisory Group (ESAG). The group may also require a table top exercise to be undertaken.
- PCC reserves the right to cancel the Event should the Organiser not be able to satisfy both PCC and ESAG that all consideration has been given for the safe running of the Event.
- Failure to adhere to and comply with all applicable legislation, all applicable HSE guidance and approved codes of practice and all applicable industry approved and HSE supported standards and safe operating procedures will result in the service of a "Safety Improvement Notice" or a "Safety Stop Work Notice", which in turn could result in the Event being closed to the public and or in the premises licence being determined. The Organiser shall not be entitled to the refund of any monies paid or payable under this agreement; neither shall the Organiser be entitled to any compensation for losses that flow from the service of a Safety Notice.
5. Accessibility
- An accessible viewing area must be provided by the Organiser. The scale and location of this area will be agreed with PCC Events Team.
- Accessible toilets must be provided in accordance with relevant guidance and legislation.
- Consideration of appropriate access gates must be given for those with accessibility issues.
- Organisers are responsible for ensuring their accessibility information is well communicated to the public.
6. Vehicle use
- The Organiser must submit an access plan detailing how site and production vehicles will be managed on site during the build and derig taking into consideration the safety of the public.
- The maximum speed limit on site is 5mph.
- All vehicles must be banked on and off site.
- All vehicles must be on site by 9.00am and cannot be removed until after 6.00pm unless given authorisation from the Events Team.
- Vehicles are not allowed to be left within the park unless agreed with the Events Team.
7. Security and access
- The Organiser is responsible for the insurance of their own property and goods brought onto the Event site. PCC accepts no liability for loss or damage incurred whilst the Organisers equipment is on site.
- All event security staff must be registered with the SIA and must wear identifiable tabards and ID badges.
- A security log book must be maintained on site for the duration of the hire period which clearly shows SIA staff names and security badge numbers. This log book should be available to view on request.
- It is the Organisers responsibility to manage access on and off the site via the main gate coming into the park via Plymouth Argyle / Plymouth Life Centre (as detailed in the attached site map), and the entrance to the Event Space, and to ensure that the barriers are closed and secure when not in use.
- The Organiser will be responsible for the security of the licensable area for the duration of its closure to the public.
- The Organiser shall ensure that access is maintained for businesses in Central Park but not within the Event area.
- The organisers must be on site at all times and contactable.
8. Trade stalls
- All catering activities must cease at 11pm in accordance with the licence conditions
- PCC Public Protection will require a list of all trade and catering/bar providers including with what local authority catering providers are registered.
- PCC Public Protection will require full details of the Designated Premises Supervisor.
- Only registered food businesses with a rating of 3 or above will be allowed on site.
- In addition to a food hygiene rating of 3, caterers need to hold a food safety certificate level 2 and also have a HACCP plan.
- Each caterer should provide one large bin of 1100cc per unit for waste packaging. If the Organiser fails to ensure this is done, bins will be provided and the Organiser will be invoiced accordingly.
- To remove waste from the Event the Organiser will require a current Waste Carriers Licence or use a registered company. Waste water should not be disposed of on the site or by use of the storm drains. PCC Street Services department are able to provide a quote for waste management if required.
9. Water
- The Organiser must ensure that a wholesome water supply is available for the Event that is free from bacteria, parasites and chemical contamination for drinking, food preparation and personal hygiene.
- There is a hydrant point next to the event space. Should the Organiser require use of this point they must let PCC Events Team know at the earliest opportunity, where there will be an additional charge.
10. Litter
- It is a condition of hiring the site that all areas are to be left in a clean and tidy state. PCC Street Services are able to provide a quote for cleansing if required.
11. Plastics
- PCC has declared a Climate Emergency and has agreed plans to make Plymouth carbon neutral by 2030. The Plan for Plastics is a citywide focus to significantly reduce our use of single-use plastics. The Organiser must adhere to the Plastic Free Protocol - Plastic free protocol | PLYMOUTH.GOV.UK or see Appendix 1. The protocol provides a checklist of actions required to keep plastic to a minimum during the planning and running of events.
- The Organiser must keep plastic cable ties to a minimum and opt for more environmentally friendly options in the first instance.
- The Organiser must ensure event caterers do not to stock the following:
- Plastic straws
- Plastic cutlery & stirrers
- Polystyrene trays
- Condiment sachets
- Drinks cartons/tetra packs
- Bottled still water
- Coloured PET or highly coloured rPET bottles
- In addition, the following items must not be passed to the public:
- Glassware
- Cans depending on the nature of the events (to be discussed with the Police Licencing team)
- If compostable items, such as ‘Vegware’ are used, the Organiser is required to arrange for this to
be commercially composted or ideally returned to the manufacturer.
- The Organiser must provide a reusable cup deposit scheme or accept people bringing their own refillable drinks cups and must provide clear signage on site informing people about the scheme or encouraging people to bring their own cups or to reuse cups.
- All public recycling bins on site should have clear signage at eye level and be well lit.
- The following general items will not be allowed on site:
- Non-biodegradable confetti
- Non-biodegradable Glitter
- Plastic giveaways
- Balloons and lanterns as per PCC’s balloon and lantern policy
12. Toilets
- It is the responsibility of the Organiser to ensure that there are sufficient toilet facilities available for the Event as recommended in the Purple Guide.
13. Animal welfare
- Plymouth City Council will not allow on any council owned land, rodeos, circuses or travelling menageries which include performing animals.
- For information on Plymouth City Council’s animal welfare policy please visit:
14. Fairground and rides
- It is the responsibility of the Organiser to collate and ensure that all suitable independent ADIPS (Amusement Device Inspection Procedures Scheme) safety certificates, covering structural, mechanical and electrical safety requirements in relation to fairground rides, and proof of Public Liability Insurance cover to an indemnity limit of not less than £5 million in respect of each occurrence is in place. This information must be available at the request of PCC. Operators of fair equipment should refer to HSG 175 guidance on safe practice.
- PCC will consider the type and number of rides applicable to the Event. Use may be granted subject to restrictions on the number and/or type of rides.
- The Organiser is responsible for ensuring they are aware of any Guild Rights and to follow the correct guidance. The Organiser should also inform fair operators if another fair is operating within close proximity at the time of this event.
- All generators will need to be shielded to reduce noise levels to a minimum. All spillages must be cleaned up and the area restored to previous condition. The position of the fairground rides must be agreed with the PCC Events Team in advance of the Event.
- Inflatable Play Equipment will not be allowed due to Health and Safety reasons, unless written approval has been agreed in advance by the PCC Events Team.
15. Bill posting
- Compliance by the Organiser with the Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) (England) Regulations 2007 is a requirement of the Venue Hire Agreement. The Organiser agrees not to allow any advertisements, such as placards, posters or bills, which contravene those regulations to be displayed (such requirement to also apply to the Organiser’s agents and employees)
- The Organiser shall remove any advertisement displayed in contravention of the above, within two days of notice being given in writing by the Council.
- If, after the two days’ notice referred to above, the Organiser or its agents or employees continue to allow such advertisements to be displayed, the Council may remove such advertisements without further notice or reference to the Venue Hire Agreement and the Licensee shall pay on demand all associated costs and expenses incurred by the Council
- It is illegal under the provisions of Planning legislation to fly-post on private property and under Highways legislation to fly-post on structures, paving and street furniture on the public highway.
16. Exceptional circumstances
- Please note that Plymouth City Council reserves the right to cancel events with minimal notice due to unforeseen circumstances e.g. elections.
- Plymouth City Council would advise the Event Organiser to consider insurance to cover this exceptional circumstance.
17. General
- Subject to acting reasonably, Plymouth City Council as landowner reserves the right to refuse any application to book an event.
- The event proposed must be one that the City Council deems to be suitable to be hosted on the Central Park event space. Other locations may be recommended should the team identify there are better suited alternate locations, i.e. other parks.
- All event organisers are responsible for their own travel and parking arrangements. Plymouth City Council are able to provide information for the nearest public transport links.
- All Third party event organisers must consider putting on additional public transport for their events. Additional transport can be recommended and organised in conjunction with the PCC Public Transport team, please contact Further information and guidance on public transport for events can be found via the Purple Guide
- Prioritisation and usage for commercial and charity/community bookings will be determined by the Events Team to enable the best balance between use of the venue and impact on residents.
- Drones are not allowed to be used on or over PCC land without all relevant permissions; including from the PCC.
- The Organiser will be expected to respond to any reasonable requests from PCC Officers during the planning and delivery of the Event.
- The Organiser to offer a number of complimentary tickets which will be offered to senior management.
- PCC will not refund any monies payable by the Organiser on account of adverse weather conditions.
- Entry on to the site will not be permitted until:
- A full contract has been signed
- All fees and bonds have been paid
- All requested documents outlined in Schedule 2 have been submitted to PCC and are deemed satisfactory.
18. Appeals process
- You have the right to appeal against any refusal of your application.
- Your appeal must be made in writing to the Head of Economy, Enterprise & Employment and should state clearly the grounds of your appeal and be received within 5 working days of the decision.
Please take time to read through these terms and conditions and discuss any issues you may have with
a member of Plymouth City Council (PCC) Events team (‘Events Team’).
If you do not follow these conditions you will be at risk of having your event cancelled and use of the land revoked until the non-compliance is rectified. If the non-compliance is such that you are asked to cease your event altogether you will not be refunded any fees paid and would be at risk of losing some or all of your entire Charging Bond.
No alterations or additions should be made to an event once the Venue Hire Agreement has been issued. If alterations to events are necessary or desired further permission should be sought. For each event the Organiser MUST meet with the Events Team to discuss event details and resolve any anomalies prior to the actual event taking place.
1. Fees and charges
- All events could be liable for fees and charges, including a refundable bond fee, are as set out in this Venue Hire Agreement.
- Please note that PCC Events Team reserves the right to add or remove criteria at any time providing it has reasonable grounds for doing so.
- Events with very small numbers that has no infrastructure and wish to use the areas for picnics, walks, and educational purposes will be exempt from paying any fees.
- Event Organisers will be charged a fee to vary a premises license to specify an individual as a DPS (if alcohol is sold and it is a closed site).
- The Electricity Charges shall reflect the current unit rate of electricity for the particular utility meter that has been used by The Event Organiser. The cost of energy for all utility meters is agreed between the utility supplier and The Council on a 6 month period. Final utility charges will be invoiced by the Council to the Event Organiser post event at the time a utility reading has been taken, plus a 20% service charge. It is the responsibility of the Event Organiser to remunerate all utility charges associated with their event whilst they have been on site. A copy of utility readings can be shared on request.
2. Site
- A full site plan to scale must be produced by the organiser and agreed with the PCC Events Team in line with the document deadlines.
- Organisers shall only use the event space allocated unless agreed otherwise prior to the event with PCC Events Team.
- Organisers hold the duty of care to assess and put reasonably practicable solutions in place if deemed appropriate for their event, this includes assessing the suitability of the event space surface. i.e. installing track mats and flooring protection for pedestrian walk ways if the event space surface is not deemed to a sufficient standard. It is the responsibility of the organiser to pay for and maintain these solutions.
- If a claim is made against the Council, The Organiser must indemnify the Council for any losses it sustained. Employers Liability and Public Liability insurance must be held by The Organiser as a requirement of this contract, to a minimum of £5 million respectively for each.
- Organisers to ensure they have clear evacuation routes
- No fixings to street lighting, street seats, litter bins or trees is allowed.
- The Organiser is responsible for ensuring that the location is kept in a clean and litter free condition. Special arrangements can be made with Plymouth City Council in advance of the event for the removal of excess litter and, in such case, the hirer will meet any costs incurred.
- The organiser is responsible for leaving the site as it was when they first came on, for example holes from marquee stakes should be filled post event before leaving site.
- Organisers are responsible for liaising with local businesses/organisations to make them aware of the event and ensure there are no conflicts – The Promenade Café Bar and Liner Lookout Café.
- Any damage to the grassed areas and/or tarmac caused by the Organiser over and above that deemed to be general usage will be charged for. A deduction will be made from the bond for any costs incurred in so doing, such deduction to be made by the Venue acting reasonly. No marking of the ground is allowed except by agreed consent with biodegradable marking. Portable roads should be used to prevent vehicles sinking into the grassed area, with a clear definition of usage included in the site plan.
- Should PCC incur costs for reinstatement works to the grassed area and/or tarmac and/or structures in excess of the bond amount, an invoice for the balance due will be forwarded to the Organiser for immediate settlement.
- It is the Organisers responsibility to ensure that contractors carry out any relevant surveys to ensure no cables or services are below, before fixing anything down on the grassed areas. PCC will supply any relevant drawings that are held but cannot guarantee the accuracy of these.
- Power required can be arranged prior to event at an additional cost.
- All appliances using electricity must be compliant with BS7571 and copies seen by the electrical contractor and/or Event Team.
- An electrical sign off certificate must be available on the day for all power for checks by PCC.
- The Organiser can only sell alcohol within the highlighted area on the attached map. The Organiser cannot have a bar or sell alcohol that is on land owned by Crown Estate.
3. Noise
- Normal working hours permitted in Plymouth Hoe are 8am to 9pm Monday to Saturday and 9am to 9pm on Sunday, unless with the prior agreement of the Events Team.
- The conditions contained in Annexe 1 and 2 of the Plymouth Hoe premise licence PA0958 (sale of alcohol / PNA0077 no alcohol) must be complied with at all times.
- All licensable activities must cease at 11pm where possible in order to clear the event space by midnight. Only hush generators or mains power should be used after midnight. If overnight working is required this must be agreed with PCC who will submit a variation to the licence and recharge costs accordingly.
- The criteria set out in the Noise Council’s Code of Practice on Environmental Noise Control at Concerts will be applied. A copy can be obtained from online at:
- A Noise Management Plan (NMP) must be submitted as outlined in the documentation deadlines. The NMP should identify external monitoring locations. Typical sections will include 1) Noise criteria; 2) Assessment including predicted noise levels and; 3) Noise control/complaint management procedure. This will need to be signed off by Plymouth City Council Licensing Department.
- The Music Noise Levels should not exceed the background noise level by more than 15 dB(A) over a 15 minute period at 1 metre from the façade of any noise sensitive premises.
- The event organiser must comply with any additional noise levels/restrictions imposed by the Environmental Health Department.
- You must set levels below the maximum listed above and as low as possible to entertain your customers. Should noise levels be excessive and cause unreasonable disturbance to nearby residents then the Environmental Health Department reserves the right to take enforcement action.
- A dedicated complaints contact number needs to be publicised both in advance, during and after the event for any issues. The number must be staffed and any calls to this number must be responded to in a timely fashion.
4. Health and safety
- It is the responsibility of the Organiser to ensure that all proposed activities conform to current Health and Safety Regulations and guidance including The Purple Guide and Green Guides.
- A full set of Health and Safety documents for the Event should be submitted to the Events Team as detailed in Schedule 2.
- The Organiser shall ensure that adequate on-site medical facilities are available for the duration of the Event in accordance with guidance in The Purple and Green Guides.
- Should the Event require road closures the Organiser will need to make application a minimum of 16 weeks prior to the event, for further information telephone Plymouth Transport and Highways (South West Highways) on 01752 668000 or email
- The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 applies to virtually all premises, including most buildings, structures and open spaces. This includes outdoor events. The order requires the “responsible person” to carry out a fire risk assessment which must focus on the safety of all relevant persons. The risk assessment must identify the fire risks that can be removed or reduced, general fire precautions and people at special risk.
- The Event Organiser shall request in writing to The Venue 30 days before the event if they wish to use any special effects such as, pyrotechnics, naked flame, cigarette, smoke, dry ice and confetti.
- The Organiser is responsible for ensuring the Event complies with CDM regulations and putting in place a full CDM plan. Should the Event also trigger the maximum period for length of time or allotted number of man hours worked, this must be notified to the HSE.
- The Organiser may be expected to present the Event in front of the Event Safety Advisory Group (ESAG). The group may also require a table top exercise to be undertaken.
- PCC reserves the right to cancel the Event should the Organiser not be able to satisfy both PCC and ESAG that all consideration has been given for the safe running of the Event.
- Failure to adhere to and comply with all applicable legislation, all applicable HSE guidance and approved codes of practice and all applicable industry approved and HSE supported standards and safe operating procedures will result in the service of a "Safety Improvement Notice" or a "Safety Stop Work Notice", which in turn could result in the Event being closed to the public and or in the premises licence being determined. The Organiser shall not be entitled to the refund of any monies paid or payable under this agreement; neither shall the Organiser be entitled to any compensation for losses that flow from the service of a Safety Notice.
5. Residents
- The Hoe is surrounded by residential properties with those most affected being on The Esplanade and Elliot Terrace. Residents must be consulted by the Organiser at the earliest possible stage. PCC Events Team has a working relationship with the Hoe Residents Forum and can broker consultation.
6. Accessibility
- An accessible viewing area must be provided by the Organiser. The scale and location of this area will be agreed with PCC Events Team.
- Accessible toilets must be provided in accordance with relevant guidance and legislation.
- Consideration of appropriate access gates must be given for those with accessibility issues.
7. Vehicle use
- The Organiser must submit an access plan detailing how site and production vehicles will be managed on site during the build and derig taking into consideration the safety of the public.
- The maximum speed limit on site is 5mph.
- All vehicles must be banked on and off site.
- The only available public parking on the Hoe is for use of the drivers who are blue badge holders; it is incumbent that the Organiser ensures that there is adequate disabled parking that reflects the expected crowd at their event. The size of area to be allotted for disabled parking must be an issue for early discussion with the Events Team, and site plans for the event must include disabled parking provision and access unless it is unsafe or unreasonable. It is the Organiser’s responsibility to arrange and pay for this provision.
- All vehicles must be on site by 9.00am and cannot be removed until after 6.00pm unless given authorisation from the Events Team.
8. Security and access
- The Organiser is responsible for the insurance of their own property and goods brought onto the Event site. PCC accepts no liability for loss or damage incurred whilst the Organisers equipment is on site.
- All event security staff must be registered with the SIA and must wear identifiable tabards and ID badges.
- A security log book must be maintained on site for the duration of the hire period which clearly shows SIA staff names and security badge numbers. This log book should be available to view on request.
- It is the Organisers responsibility to manage access on and off the site via the barriers at Elliot Street and Hoe Road and to ensure that the barriers are closed and secure when not in use. Due to disabled parking there will be no daytime access via Hoe Road unless agreed with the Events Team in advance.
- The Organiser will be responsible for the security of the licensable area for the duration of its closure to the public.
- The Organiser shall ensure that access is maintained for businesses on the Hoe but not within the Event area.
9. Trade stalls
- All catering activities must cease at 11pm in accordance with the licence conditions
- PCC Public Protection will require a list of all trade and catering/bar providers including with what local authority catering providers are registered.
- PCC Public Protection will require full details of the Designated Premises Supervisor.
- Only registered food businesses with a rating of 3 or above will be allowed on site.
- In addition to a food hygiene rating of 3, caterers need to hold a food safety certificate level 2 and also have a HACCP plan.
- Each caterer should provide one large bin of 1100cc per unit for waste packaging. If the Organiser fails to ensure this is done, bins will be provided and the Organiser will be invoiced accordingly.
- To remove waste from the Event the Organiser will require a current Waste Carriers Licence or use a registered company. Waste water should not be disposed of on the site or by use of the storm drains. PCC Street Services department are able to provide a quote for waste management if required.
- The roads surrounding any site are in a strictly controlled designated Street Trading Area within the provisions of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1984. Trading of any description by persons not having a current Street Trading Consent issued by PCC and displaying an up to date permit is strictly prohibited. On no account may the Organiser sub-let or allow to be sub-let any sites on these roads.
10. Water
- The Organiser must ensure that a wholesome water supply is available for the Event that is free from bacteria, parasites and chemical contamination for drinking, food preparation and personal hygiene.
- There is a hydrant point on the Hoe to the South of the War Memorial. Should the Organiser required use of this point they must arrange this with PCC prior where there will be an additional charge.
11. Litter
- It is a condition of hiring the site that all areas are to be left in a clean and tidy state. PCC Street Services are able to provide a quote for cleansing if required.
12. Plastics
- PCC has declared a Climate Emergency and has agreed plans to make Plymouth carbon neutral by 2030. The Plan for Plastics is a citywide focus to significantly reduce our use of single-use plastics. The Organiser must adhere to the Plastic Free Protocol - Plastic free protocol | PLYMOUTH.GOV.UK or see Appendix 1. The protocol provides a checklist of actions required to keep plastic to a minimum during the planning and running of events.
- The Organiser must keep plastic cable ties to a minimum and opt for more environmentally friendly options in the first instance.
- The Organiser must ensure event caterers do not to stock the following:
- Plastic straws
- Plastic cutlery & stirrers
- Polystyrene trays
- Condiment sachets
- Drinks cartons/tetra packs
- Bottled still water
- Coloured PET or highly coloured rPET bottles
- In addition, the following items must not be passed to the public:
- Glassware
- Cans depending on the nature of the events (to be discussed with the Police Licencing team)
- If compostable items, such as ‘Vegware’ are used, the Organiser is required to arrange for this to be commercially composted or ideally returned to the manufacturer.
- The Organiser must provide a reusable cup deposit scheme or accept people bringing their own refillable drinks cups and must provide clear signage on site informing people about the scheme or encouraging people to bring their own cups or to reuse cups.
- All public recycling bins on site should have clear signage at eye level and be well lit.
- The following general items will not be allowed on site:
- Non-biodegradable confetti
- Non-biodegradable Glitter
- Plastic giveaways
- Balloons and lanterns as per PCC’s balloon and lantern policy
13. Toilets
- It is the responsibility of the Organiser to ensure that there are sufficient toilet facilities available for the Event as recommended in the Purple Guide.
14. War memorial access
- Access to the Plymouth Naval Memorial must be maintained for visitors on non-event days as agreed in advance with PCC’s Events Team.
15. Animal welfare
- Plymouth City Council will not allow on any council owned land, rodeos, circuses or travelling menageries which include performing animals.
- For information on Plymouth City Council’s animal welfare policy please visit
16. Fairground and rides
- It is the responsibility of the Organiser to collate and ensure that all suitable independent ADIPS (Amusement Device Inspection Procedures Scheme) safety certificates, covering structural, mechanical and electrical safety requirements in relation to fairground rides, and proof of Public Liability Insurance cover to an indemnity limit of not less than £5 million in respect of each occurrence is in place. This information must be available at the request of PCC. Operators of fair equipment should refer to HSG 175 guidance on safe practice.
- PCC will consider the type and number of rides applicable to the Event. Use may be granted subject to restrictions on the number and/or type of rides.
- The Organiser is responsible for ensuring they are aware of any Guild Rights and to follow the correct guidance. The Organiser should also inform fair operators if another fair is operating within close proximity at the time of this event.
- All generators will need to be shielded to reduce noise levels to a minimum. All spillages must be cleaned up and the area restored to previous condition. The position of the fairground rides must be agreed with the PCC Events Team in advance of the Event.
- Inflatable Play Equipment will not be allowed due to Health and Safety reasons, unless written approval has been agreed in advance by the PCC Events Team.
17. Bill posting
- Compliance by the Organiser with the Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) (England) Regulations 2007 is a requirement of the Venue Hire Agreement. The Organiser agrees not to allow any advertisements, such as placards, posters or bills, which contravene those regulations to be displayed (such requirement to also apply to the Organiser’s agents and employees)
- The Organiser shall remove any advertisement displayed in contravention of the above, within two days of notice being given in writing by the Council.
- If, after the two days’ notice referred to above, the Organiser or its agents or employees continue to allow such advertisements to be displayed, the Council may remove such advertisements without further notice or reference to the Venue Hire Agreement and the Licensee shall pay on demand all associated costs and expenses incurred by the Council
- It is illegal under the provisions of Planning legislation to fly-post on private property and under Highways legislation to fly-post on structures, paving and street furniture on the public highway.
18. Exceptional circumstances
- Please note that Plymouth City Council reserves the right to cancel events with minimal notice due to unforeseen circumstances e.g elections or In the event of the death of His Majesty The King.
- Plymouth City Council would advise the Event Organiser to consider insurance to cover this exceptional circumstance.
19. General
- Subject to acting reasonably, Plymouth City Council as landowner reserves the right to refuse any application to book an event.
- The event proposed must be one that the City Council deems to be suitable to be hosted on the Hoe. Other locations may be recommended should the team identify there are better suited alternate locations, i.e. other parks.
- All event organisers are responsible for their own travel and parking arrangements. Plymouth City Council are able to provide information for the nearest public transport links.
- All Third party event organisers must consider putting on additional public transport for their events. Additional transport can be recommended and organised in conjunction with the PCC Public Transport team, please contact Further information and guidance on public transport for events can be found via the Purple Guide
- Prioritisation and usage for commercial and charity/community bookings will be determined by the Events Team to enable the best balance between use of the venue and impact on residents.
- Commercial helicopters are not permitted to land on the Hoe.
- Drones are not allowed to be used on or over PCC land without all relevant permissions; including from the PCC.
- The Organiser will be expected to respond to any reasonable requests from PCC Officers during the planning and delivery of the Event.
- The Organiser to offer a number of complimentary tickets which will be offered to senior management.
- PCC will not refund any monies payable by the Organiser on account of adverse weather conditions.
- Entry on to the site will not be permitted until:
- A full contract has been signed
- All fees and bonds have been paid
- All requested documents outlined in Schedule 2 have been submitted to PCC and are deemed satisfactory.
20. Appeals process
- You have the right to appeal against any refusal of your application.
- Your appeal must be made in writing to the Head of Economy, Enterprise & Employment and should state clearly the grounds of your appeal and be received within 5 working days of the decision.
Useful information and contact
This information provides guidelines for Event Organisers to follow when planning an event. Any public event poses particular risks to the public and requires a high degree of planning and safety control
Don’t forget to promote your event on our Visit Plymouth website - Submit Event - Visit Plymouth
If you have any questions regarding your event please contact us at: