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Net Zero Action Plan

Tackling climate change is one of the Council's top priorities and so in March 2019 we declared a Climate Emergency and pledged to make Plymouth carbon neutral by 2030.

This is a big challenge and huge changes will need to be made. Our action plans show what we intend to do to cut down emissions in our direct control and to encourage the rest of the city to do the same.

The Net Zero Action Plan (NZAP) is a three-year delivery plan, setting out the City Council’s proposals to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions. It responds to the Net Zero Plymouth challenge set out on the Climate Connections Plymouth website and explains how the City Council will aim to play its part in delivering the Plymouth Plan’s policy aim that Plymouth achieve net zero by 2030.

The NZAP replaced the annual Climate Emergency Action Plans and Corporate Carbon Reduction Plans from March 2023.  

The plan is reviewed and updated annually in March. The first Net Zero Action Plan for 2023/26 was replaced by the NZAP 2024/27 in March 2024.