Armada Way – statement following injunction hearing
Plymouth City Council’s statement following the injunction hearing at the Royal Courts of Justice (24 March 2023):
We welcome the news that we are allowed to clear up the Armada Way site – as had been our original intention – and will do so, in accordance with the terms set out by today’s judgement.
The court has asked that we abide by the conditions they have set. Which is to ensure the clearance of felled trees, branches and stumps are subject to expert opinion and involve the claimant.
High Streets up and down the country are struggling. Our decision to transform Armada Way was a mandated, democratic decision, agreed by the appropriate elected members at Plymouth City Council. Our aim was to transform a tired and run down part of the city centre.
While we acknowledge some people’s concerns about the loss of trees, others in our city are very clear they want this change.
We will be considering the full implications of the judge’s remarks in the coming days.
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