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Bus route change to serve Royal Eye Infirmary

Royal Eye Infirmary building.jpg

A new bus link between the city centre and William Prance Road in Derriford will start next month.

Stagecoach South West’s 1A service will operate via William Prance Road from Monday 15 April, providing passengers with much closer access to the Royal Eye Infirmary.

The route change has been made thanks to developer contributions via the Council. It will run every 20 minutes from Monday to Saturday (excluding bank holidays).

The service 1 will continue to operate via Tavistock Road.

Councillor Mark Coker, Cabinet Member for Strategic Planning and Transport, said: “Patients visiting the new Royal Eye Infirmary have expressed difficulty in getting there by bus so we are delighted to be able to fund this route change. One of the nine passenger priorities in our Bus Service Improvement Plan is to provide new and extended routes to key areas and locations, which is exactly what the service to the eye infirmary achieves.”

Councillor Kevin Sproston, our Bus Champion, added "The need for a bus link to the Royal Eye Infirmary has been raised by residents and Plymouth’s Enhanced Partnership Forum – the group set up to provide opportunities for discussing issues affecting Plymouth’s bus network. It’s great to be able to respond to this passenger need.

“We are providing financial support for an initial period of a year to allow the route to become established and I’d encourage passengers to use the service as much as possible to help maintain this link to the Royal Eye Infirmary in the long term.”

The 1A service operates from stop A20 on Royal Parade. See the Stagecoach website for the the new service timetable.