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Council leads drive for better water quality

Aerial view of Plymouth Sound National Marine Park, looking over the water towards the city

Plymouth City Council is spearheading a drive to improve the water quality in Plymouth Sound.

The Water Quality Select committee, which met on 22 February, was organised by the Council and supported by partners from the Environment Agency and South West Water.

Representatives from the National Marine Park, University of Plymouth, Tamar Catchment Partnership, Ocean Conservation Trust and a local swimming group were also in attendance to provide insight and answer questions.

The Select Committee scrutinised the current water quality challenges including micro plastics, combined sewage overflows and agricultural run off and the opportunities to improve the quality of the water within the Sound.

The aim is to agree and then implement tangible actions which will deliver an accelerated improvement of our water quality.

It is all part of an effort to ensure that the Plymouth Sound National Marine Park has some of the best waters for recreation and marine life in the UK.

Councillor Tom Briars-Delve, Cabinet Member for the Environment and Climate Change, said: "In collaboration with our partners, we want to start a significant programme of change to deliver a big improvement in water quality.

“There are lots of challenges to doing this but as our climate changes and we experience more extreme weather, these challenges will only increase.

“We are under no illusions that there is a lot to do but the Select Committee showed the breadth of experience and commitment to delivering a significant change.”

Last week, a report to Cabinet recommended a number of actions for the committee and its various partners.

Amongst the actions for the Council were an increased drive in education as to what communities can do to improve water quality and to lobby government to allow Plymouth to be a pilot for an area of water quality improvement.

South West Water, meanwhile, are tasked with ensuring their existing drainage infrastructure investment plans align with the City aspirations while the Environment Agency were asked to make water quality data from a new pilot monitoring scheme available more quickly.

The Council will be working much closer with Environment Agency and South West Water to bring these ambitions to life.

There was a commitment to sign agreement to ensure there is a greater focus and aligned approach to making the change. The first actions will include aligning existing investment schemes and developing a Plan for Water which will drive action over a 10 year period.

"This is just the beginning," added Councillor Briars-Delve. "We know we've got a long road ahead but I'm optimistic about what can be achieved.

"Long-term, I'd like to see us harnessing the power of nature to reduce water flow with more sustainable drainage options, like the one in Central Park that is currently being delivered.

"We are already monitoring the effect our beaver project is having on river flows, while our BRIC team continue to work with flood-effected communities. We’re not working in silos – it all ties together.”

The partners involved in the select committee will meet again later this year to sign a Memorandum of Understanding to formalise their commitments and actions to water quality for the next ten years.

You can view the paper being debated at Cabinet here: