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Easter and garden waste collection information

Collecting your domestic waste is a key priority for the Council. Due to the Easter bank holidays we’re reminding residents that their regular household waste collections will be a day later than usual during the week of 13 April.

Please put your bin out a day later than you normally do next week. If your normal collection day is a Monday it will be a Tuesday and so on.

Due to COVID-19 please do your bit to help us and your local community by making sure you:

  • Clean your bin handles before and after collections
  • Double-bag waste if anyone in your household has symptoms
  • Wait 72 hours before putting any double-bagged waste in the bin
  • Keep bulky items and garden waste out of your bin
  • Don’t fly tip on the highway or back lanes

We’ve had to suspend our garden waste collection service to keep our other collections running. If you haven’t thought about home composting before why not give it go? There are lots of helpful tips and advice on the Recycle Now, Royal Horticultural Society and BBC Gardening websites.

You can request a compost bin by visiting or emailing them via

Alternatively, we’d ask everyone to consider postponing any non-essential garden projects during the next few weeks.

Councillor Sue Dann, Cabinet Member for Environment and Street Scene, said: “Our waste and recycling teams are working tirelessly to make sure this important service is maintained across Plymouth. I want to thank them and let them know that we all appreciate everything they’re doing at this challenging time.

“We know people are using this time to do DIY and gardening projects but are asking them to hold on to their DIY rubbish and garden waste until the current restrictions have been lifted. If you can’t store the extra waste on your property our advice is to postpone these projects. Please don’t put DIY or garden waste in your normal bins or back lanes. This will help us deliver our key priority which is to continue to provide regular bin collections for all our residents.”

Regular updates about our waste and recycling services will be shared through this website and on our social media channels.