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First group of applicants start work in Plymouth after the launch of the Proud to Care Campaign


The first group of healthcare assistants, who will be looking after some of Plymouth’s most vulnerable residents have already started work in the city.

The new healthcare workers were recruited as part of the Proud to Care Campaign, run by Plymouth, Devon and Torbay Councils aimed at job seekers, students back from university, college leavers and former care and health staff.

Healthcare Assistants are a frontline role to support Plymouth’s NHS and social care providers, as coronavirus puts even greater pressure on existing services and staff.

Since its launch at the start of April there have been over 150 enquiries in Plymouth, with a number of those being successfully recruited and are now in place supporting people in their own homes.

Plymouth City Council's Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care, Councillor Kate Taylor said: “The response we have had so far as part of our Proud to Care Campaign has been fantastic. We are seeing a high standard of applicants coming forward to help support the health and social care sector during these unprecedented times.”

There are a range of temporary and permanent roles available covering all aspects of the health and social care sector.

Following a huge amount of growing interest on the Proud to Care website for roles in Plymouth, Gemcare a SouthWest care provider responded immediately to offer their support to fast track applicants into positions across the care provider market.

Roger Putt, Director of Gemcare said: “We are delighted to be working in partnership with the Council and other providers across the city to support with the recruitment of applicants to the health and social care sector in this time of need. Each successful applicant is fast tracked through the recruitment process, before being deployed to a variety of settings.”

Councillor Taylor added: “I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Gemcare for helping with the proud to car recruitment campaign and I’d also like to thank all our fantastic health and social care providers for everything they to do support some of our most vulnerable residents. You are all amazing.

There are still lots of roles available if you are interested just register your details at