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Partnership takes on Resettlement Support Service


A partnership of experienced local providers have been chosen to deliver an important services for refugees arriving in the city.

The Resettlement Support Service will provide help and support with access to housing, improved English language skills, increased self-sufficiency via employment and community integration.

It will also contribute towards improved community cohesion within Plymouth and support other organisations to become more culturally aware.

The partnership is made up of Plymouth Access to Housing, Open Door International Language School, Students and Refugees Together, Devon and Cornwall Refugee Service and the Plymouth and Devon Race Equality Council.

Formerly known as the Refugee Integration and Support Service, the previous contract is coming to an end and a business case setting out over £4 million of investment of Home Office funding through a new nine year period was approved last year.

Councillor Chris Penberthy, Cabinet Member for Housing, Cooperative Development and Communities, said: "We have a long and proud history of accepting and settling refugees and asylum seekers here in Plymouth and I’m delighted that this will continue.

“As our relationship with the partners continues to grow with this contract, and with their collective commitment and expertise I know they will deliver a fantastic service.”

Councillor Aspinall, Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care, added: “I am pleased that with the commissioning of this service, Plymouth is once more showing itself to be a city of compassion.

“I cannot imagine the horrors that many of these people have fled and I am proud to welcome them to a new life in Plymouth.”

Plymouth has participated in several Home Office managed resettlement schemes enabling a safe passage for many of the most vulnerable people fleeing conflict and persecution.

These include the Syrian Vulnerable Person’s Scheme (SVPRS), Vulnerable Children’s Resettlement Scheme (VCRS), Afghan Relocation and Assistance Policy, (ARAP) Afghan Citizens Resettlement Scheme (ACRS) and Homes for Ukraine (H4U).

This service will support all of these communities to resettle, regardless of means of arrival into the city.