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We’re planting 2,800 more trees after a successful bid for funding


We’re going to plant more than 2,800 more trees in Plymouth after a successful bid for funding from the Forestry Commission’s Urban Tree Challenge.

Our award will pay for the delivery of Plymouth’s Plymouth Tree Challenge – an ambitious programme of tree planting projects to be delivered by a range of partners.

It will support the principles set out in our Plan for Trees and our aim to increase the canopy cover of Plymouth with approximately 80 tree planting sites across priority neighbourhoods.

The extra money will mean we can plant 1,010 standard trees, 1,700 whips (small to medium size) and 148 feathers (small) in the next 14 months.

They will all be in fully accessible, public places such as parks and open spaces, road verges, residential streets and outside housing developments.  

Communities will be given the chance to help with the planting and caring for the trees.