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Post adoption consultations and emerging evidence

My Place My Views

In July 2022 we launched our My Place, My Views survey. The results have told us about your experiences accessing facilities and services where you live. The views you shared with us will now directly inform our future approach to our Joint Local Plan and conversations across our services.

There are several ways to explore the talking points from My Place, My Views:

  • Use our interactive dashboard to view what people said about the areas they live in by clicking on our interactive maps, graphs and tables.
  • Download our Future Talking Points report which provides our overview of the key recurring topics and themes raised during the consultation which will inform our future work including future conversations about the Joint Local Plan.

Remember to keep up to date with news about the Joint Local Plan by signing up to our planning eNewsletter.

Related pages:

Plymouth and South West Devon Joint Local Plan

Monitoring and delivery

The Plymouth Plan