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Procedure steps for S193B non-cooperation

Step 1

CCO/Applicant create HNA /PHP agreed with reasonable required steps.

Step 2

CCO/Applicant review steps contained PHP within a month.

Step 3

  1. No concerns continue with HRA PHP review process go return to Step 2.
  2. If there is lack of progression of PHP steps discuss reasons with client
    • Review barriers to and mitigate risk to progression
    • Ensure there is sufficient support in place
  3. There continues to be a lack of progress raised at a PHP review and further attempts to contact the applicant suggest that he/she does not intend to co-operate with the PHP 1st concern - Go to Step 4 Previous concerns.

Step 4

Complete checklist for Relevant Warning Notification

  • If progressing send Prevention/Relief Warning Notification Letter and add checklist and Letter to HRA database and return to Step 2.
  • If not progressing add checklist and record reasons to HRA database and return to Step 2.

Step 5

Complete Request for Formal Notice and issue to SCCO.

Step 6

SCCO should carefully review the case and confirm whether the S193B Notice can be served within 3 working days of the request.

Step 7

If the SCCO

  • agrees as no immediate actions to resolve, issue the Notice and adds to HRA database.
  • disagrees, record decision on file.