Following the tragic death of our female beaver last week, we have made the very difficult decision to re-home our male beaver, Brian.
We are deeply sad to report that Beryl, our female beaver, escaped from her enclosure on Sunday night and has been found dead.
A family of beavers is set to be released in the Forder Valley as part of an exciting new nature scheme.
The Green Minds project, which launches on Monday, seeks to re-wild urban parks, gardens and verges, introduce a new system of working with partners and crucially, encourage more people from all walks to life, to enjoy the health benefits that our green spaces provide.
Volunteers and staff from Poole Farm have been helping to improve areas of woodland within the Forder Valley Local Nature Reserve, as part of the project to build the new Forder Valley Link Road.
Some of the woodland within the reserve is in poor condition and some areas have little forest canopy, so as part of the environmental plan for the scheme, work is being carried out to bring it up to a good standard over the next four to five years.
The new Derriford Community Park is set to become home to a network of cycle paths.
Plans show exciting designs for an upgrade to the old tramway running through the Forder Valley Local Nature Reserve, which will link Longbridge Road to the new Forder Valley Link Road scheme.
A second part will create a brand new, high quality walking and cycling route along the Seaton Valley linking between Crownhill and Poole Farm and Forder Valley Road.