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Update on bin collections and street services


7 April 2020, 10.20

Refuse collections are continuing as usual, despite the coronavirus outbreak. 

Residents should continue to put out their green and brown bins on their normal collection days. (Don’t forget collections will be one day later than usual during the week beginning Monday 13 April, due to the Easter break.)

Bags containing used tissues should be placed into another bag, tied securely and kept separate from other waste. This should be put aside for at least 72 hours before being put in your usual external household waste bin.

Please remember to clean bin handles and wash your hands after putting bins out for collection and bringing them back in.

To keep this essential service running, we have made changes to the following, less-essential operations:

•    Weston Mill and Chelson Meadow household waste recycling centres are closed 
•    Garden waste collections are not resuming this month as planned. Residents are encouraged to home compost where they can or store garden waste on their property until restrictions have been lifted. Please do not place garden waste in with household waste
•    New requests for bins and bags have been suspended until further notice
•    New trade waste applications have been suspended.
•    The collection of bulky waste has also been suspended and all bookings cancelled. We’ve contacted customers to confirm this.

We are working hard to ensure that we provide as many services as possible during this difficult time and would ask that residents attempt to minimise waste and continue to recycle as much as you can. 

We would like to thank everyone for doing their bit during this challenging time. This is an ever-changing situation and we will try to provide as much notice of any alterations to our service via this website and through social media. 

There may be other services that we need to temporarily suspend and are reviewing these daily. We will also endeavour to reinstate any suspended service as soon as possible.

Thank you for your understanding and patience.