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Current gambling premises licensing applications

When an application is made for a new gambling premises licence or to vary an existing gambling premises licence the applicant must advertise the application for a set amount of time.  During this time, any of the following people can make representations about the application:

  • a person who lives sufficiently close to the premises to be likely to be affected by the authorised activities
  • a person who has business interests that might be affected by the authorised activities
  • a person who represents someone in any of the above two categories

A representation can be an objection or a positive comment and gives people a chance to put forward their views.

We advertise all applications that are currently within the date for receiving representations here.

There are no current gambling premises licence applications within the date for receiving representations.

Contact us if you need more details about an application:

The date by which we must receive your representation is shown at the bottom of each notice of application. We are not able to accept any representations we get after this date.

How to make a representation

Read the guidance on making a representation.


Gambling Act 2005