View current licensing applications, apply for alcohol and entertainment licenses
Details of licenses held on the licensing register
Apply for a HMO licence, apply for a temporary exemption from HMO licensing
Applications and renewals, information for drivers and passengers
Beauty and body art licence
Report a noise problem or make a taxi complaint
Street collections and House-to-house collections for charity
Includes, animal activities, dangerous wild animal and zoo licences
Information and applications for gambling licences and permits
A scrap metal dealer’s licence is required to collect or deal in scrap metal before you can trade
Sex establishments must be licensed before a licence can be issued
If you want to sell items on the street you need to apply to us for a street trading licence
Apply for a fireworks and explosives licence
Apply for a petroleum licence
Details of child work permits and times and type of work that applies
Apply to hold a hypnotism act or performance
Apply for a tables and chairs permit on a public road or street
Apply for a caravan and camping site licence
Information for those working in the evening and night-time economy