26 August 2022
Our Digital team have been working on an exciting project to turn data into intelligence for its services. Working in collaboration with Granicus who are our forms provider, we have been able to develop our data architecture to a point where the data is structured, consistent and accessible which means we can present it using our Power BI reporting suite and share with colleagues across the Council.
Why collect data?
Collecting data about a service allows us to measure its performance. We can use performance data to make sure:
- the service is meeting user needs
- the service allows users to easily complete the task it provides
- there are enough people using the service to make it cost-efficient
- people know about the service and are choosing to use it
What to measure?
We will collect data that shows how a service is performing against these metrics:
- work volumes – how many tickets are being created daily/weekly/monthly etc for a service
- error rate – is work being completed within agreed timeframes (Operational Level Agreements)
- user satisfaction - what percentage of users are satisfied with their experience of using a service
- completion rate - what percentage of transactions users successfully complete (this is in development)
We will use other metrics to measure and report on depending on individual service needs.
Why measure performance data?
It’s important to use the data presented to find ways to improve our services and prioritise work for our residents. For example, the Operational Level Agreement (OLA) metric. The report will allow us to see how much work has been completed within a services OLA for a given process. If the OLA is not being met, this service could be prioritised with more resource or we could agree an amended, realistic OLA with a service, better managing everyone’s expectations.
This is a major development on our journey to turn data into intelligence. We are looking forward to continuing our work with data so we can improve performance and meet customer needs.