Dust and grit can be generated from a variety of activities and may be a statutory nuisance under the Environmental Protection Act 1990. It can also be a source of irritation for residents. Common complaints relate to dust and grit coming from construction sites when renovation work is taking place.
Construction sites
With large construction and demolition schemes we insist that sites either have their own Construction and Demolition Code of Practice or they adopt the Council's Code of Practice for Construction and Demolition sites.
Council Code of Practice for construction and demolition sites [PDF, 156KB]
Standard working hours
Construction and demolition activities must only be carried out during the following times:
- Monday to Friday - 8am to 6pm
- Saturday - 8.30am to 1pm
- No work is allowed on Sundays or Bank Holidays
If you require further information or advice or would like to make a complaint email public.protection@plymouth.gov.uk or call 01752 304147.