A premises that promotes gambling must have a premises licence, issued under the Gambling Act 2005. They are regulated by the Gambling Commission nationally and by Plymouth City Council as the local licensing authority.
You must get a gambling premises licence if you want to run:
- betting offices
- race tracks
- casinos
- bingo halls
- adult gaming centres
- family entertainment centre
Who can apply
To apply you must:
- be over the age of 18 years
- have the right to occupy the premises you want the licence for
- hold an operating licence or applied for one which allows the proposed activity to be carried out
You can apply for an operating licence or personal licence on the Gambling Commission website.
A premises licence can only be granted once an operators licence has been issued by the gambling commission.
A person can make an application without an operating licence from the gambling commission for a provisional statement in respect of premises they expect to be constructed, expect to be altered or expect to acquire a right to occupy.
Application process
- Complete the Premises Licence Application form and send to the Licensing Authority with a plan of the premises, a local risk assessment and the appropriate fee
- Send the application to all Responsible Authorities within a period of 7 days beginning on the date on which the application is made
- publish a prescribed notice of application in a local newspaper within 10 working days of making your application
- publish a prescribed notice of application on the premises to which the application relates, where it can be read by the public from the exterior of the premises for a period of 28 consecutive days, starting on the day on which the application is made to the licensing authority.
A responsible authority or interested party may make representation to a gambling premises application. This will require a written statement outlining opinion and actions believed to be appropriate.
Interested parties are defined in the Gambling Act 2005 as follows:
lives sufficiently close to the premises to be likely to be affected by the authorised activities,
has business interests that might be affected by the authorised activities, or
represents persons who satisfy the above
Premises Licence Application Forms
Premises Licence Application - Variation
Premises Licence Application(Vessels)
Premises Licence Application - Transfer
Premises Licence Application - Provisional Statement
Premises Licence Application - Provisional Statement (Vessels)
Advice Notes
Local area Risk assessment guide and Template
Notification/Advertising of the Application
Licensing Authority
Office of The Director of Public Health
Licensing Department Public Protection Service
Plymouth City Council
Ballard House
West Hoe Road
Tel: 01752 304141
Email: licensing@plymouth.gov.uk
The Gambling Commission
Victoria Square House
Victoria Square
B2 4BP
Tel: 0121 230 6666
Email: - licensing@gamblingcommission.gov.uk
Devon & Cornwall Police
Licensing Department
Launceston Police Station
Moorland Road
PL15 7HY
Tel: 01566 770500
Email: licensing.team@devonandcornwall.pnn.police.uk
Child Protection
Plymouth City Council
Safeguarding Team
Children, Young People and Families
Ballard House
West Hoe Road
Tel: 01752 306340
Email: childprotect@plymouth.gov.uk
HM Revenue & Customs
Excise Processing Teams
United Kingdom
Tel: 03000 322 7072 Option 7
Email: nrubettinggaming@hmrc.gov.uk
Devon & Somerset Fire and Rescue Service
West Devon Headquarters
Glen Road
Tel: 01752 333600
Email: plymouthfs@dsfire.gov.uk
Trading Standards Authority
County Hall
Topsham Road
Tel: 01392 383853
Email: tradingstandards@devon.gov.uk
Planning Authority
Plymouth City Council
Development Consents Manager
Level 2 West Wing
Ballard House
Tel: 01752 304471
Email: planningconsents@plymouth.gov.uk
Maritime & Coastguard Agency (where applicable)
Plymouth Marine Office
Suite 5
Endeavour House
Vivid Approach
Tel: 020 390 85245
Email: mcaplymouthadmin@mcga.gov.uk
Notice for New applicants (A) Single Applicants
Notice for New applicants (B) Multiple Applicants
Notice of application to be published
Variation Application (A) Single Applicants
Variation Application (B) Multiple Applicants
Variation Application to be published
Transfer Application (A) Single Applicants
Transfer Application (B) Multiple Applicants
Provisional Statement (A) Single Applicants
Provisional Statement (B) Multiple Applicants
Replacement licence
You can ask us for a copy of your gambling premises licence if it's been stolen or destroyed. You can only apply for a copy if you're the holder of the premises licence. Email: licensing@plymouth.gov.uk
There is a fee of £25.