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Major Incident updates

A green square with the Council logo in the top righthand corner and the words 'Incident Update' written in the bottom left corner in white writing

Friday 23 February - 7pm

Where can I get help and support?

Over 570 people visited the Life Centre today and the facility is still open to provide help and support for local people as they prepare to return home. The centre will only close tonight when the last person has left.

Tomorrow, the rest centre at PCH Beacon will be open until 1pm.

If you are currently struggling with your mental health and feel like you are in a crisis, call Livewell’s First Response service via NHS 111 (selecting the mental health option) for advice, support and signposting from one of our mental health professionals.  

If you find you are struggling to cope, feeling low, anxious or overwhelmed by your thoughts or feelings (but not in a current crisis, in which case call 111 mental health option) then call NHS Talking Therapies Plymouth on 01752 435419.  Lines are open Monday to Friday (9am to 5pm).

Life Centre will reopen to members and customers.

Is the water back on?

Water has been restored to the area that was in the cordon.

I need to talk to someone on the phone

The helpline will remain open throughout the night for people needing help and support. If you need help or support to do this, please call 01752 668000. 

Friday 23 February - 6.30pm

Message from Council Leader

Councillor Tudor Evans, Leader of Plymouth City Council, said: “I think it is fair to say that the last few days will go down in history for Plymouth. This war-time bomb has really brought out war-time spirit, people coming together to really support each other and whilst it has been really tough – we got through it!

“I would like to thank the bomb experts for their bravery, putting their lives on the line to remove the WWII bomb from the garden in Keyham, carefully loading it onto a lorry, driving it slowly to the slipway so it could be loaded onto a boat, taking it out to sea so it could be safely detonated. As a naval city, this is a first-class example of why our armed forces are the best in the world.

“I would also to recognise all the other organisations who have demonstrated a stellar performance of community resilience and what it truly means to be a public servant. Hundreds of Council officers joined the small army of organisations that worked hand in hand to support the people of Keyham and keep our city safe.

“And finally – of course I would like to thank the people of Keyham, Ford and Devonport. It has been a rollercoaster of emotion the last few days, and I would like to praise the community for helping the emergency team in evacuating and supporting our effort to protect their home.

“It is a day I will never forget. I am so proud of Plymouth.”

Friday 23 February - 5.30pm

Cordon is being lifted!

Residents of Keyham and surrounding areas – thank you so much for your patience.  We have been notified by the military that operation has been a success and the bomb has been removed from the area. Therefore, we can now start removing the cordon so people who have been evacuated can return to their homes. However, it will take some time for all the roads closures to be removed, so please bear with the staff on the ground.

Please be aware that we anticipate a lot of traffic heading back to the area, so we would ask that you don’t rush and try to stagger your journey. Trains are now live and the bus network will recommence shortly. Remember, the Life Centre is still open with refreshments and free parking for those impacted.

Friday 23 February - 4.30pm

The removal of the bomb is due to commence

We have been informed by the bomb disposal experts that the operation to remove the bomb will shortly commence.

We would like to thank everyone in the cordon area for leaving so swiftly.

We know that everyone will be keen to return to the area as soon as possible, but because it took slightly longer than expected to ensure the area was fully evacuated, we are anticipating that the lifting of the cordon will now happen at around 6.15pm.

Please do not start heading back to the area until we provide an update on this page that it is safe to do so. Even when the bomb has been removed, it will take some time to remove the cordon and would ask that people bear with us.

Friday 23 February - 11am

Bomb in Keyham will be disposed of today

A new temporary cordon of 300 metres will be put in place today (Friday 23 February 2024) as the removal of the unexploded wartime bomb in Keyham takes place.  

Over the past few days, bomb disposal experts from the Army and Navy have been assessing the device to determine with partners the best possible approach for its disposal. It is a very complex situation, and a number of factors need to be considered by the members of the resilience forum, alongside the overriding objective of people’s safety, including damage to property and impact on underground utilities. 

Following more information about the device and after considering all options, including a controlled detonation on site, partners have agreed that the safest and least impactful option is to remove the device from St Michael Avenue and travel to the Torpoint Ferry slipway – for the bomb to be disposed of at sea (beyond the Breakwater).  

Highly trained bomb disposal experts will carefully remove the device from the property and it will be transported by road in a military convoy, west along Parkside and Royal Navy Avenue, joining at the junction on Saltash Road to continue south joining Albert Road, turning right along Park Avenue and heading down Ferry Road to the Torpoint Ferry terminal.  

However, in order for this to happen, we need support from residents in the area along the route. Anyone who lives within 300 metres of the route will need to leave their homes TODAY for about three hours. You will need to leave your home by 2pm and we anticipate you will be able to return by 5pm. If you need help or support to do this, please call 01752 668000. 

The rest centre at the Life Centre remains open to support people who do not have anywhere to go. 

In addition, the main trainline will be closed, ferries (including the Torpoint Ferry) will be suspended and buses will be diverted.  

Once the operation is complete, the Police will begin to reopen the roads.  

Everyone must avoid the area during this period.  

We are very grateful for the patience of residents at this difficult time and all agencies are doing everything they can to minimise any ongoing disruption. We will aim to keep residents informed throughout the operation. The Council will announce when roads are being reopened on: and on social media.   

Here is the map of the convoy route and cordon:

Map of new cordon


Why is it safer to move the device, rather than do it in situ?  

After the expert assessment, it became apparent that if a controlled detonation was carried out in situ, there would be too high a risk of significant damage to properties in Keyham, including destroying a number of houses and flying debris which would potentially damage a wide number of properties. There are still risks with moving the device, but the experts consider them to be much lower following further work.   

I am unable to leave my home due to disability or illness – what do I do?  

The military advice is very clear and for your own safety, you need to leave your home and the area of the cordon by 2pm and we anticipate that you will be able to return by 5pm. We can support you to move somewhere safe for the duration of the operation if you contact us on: 01752 668000. However, please contact us as soon as possible, ideally before 12.30pm.  

The route is very close to the Dockyard – is that safe?  

Military experts have been liaising closely with the MoD and Babcock on the plans for the operation. They are satisfied with the plans and the mitigation of the associated risks.  

Do I need to do take anything before I leave home?  

Whilst the risk is considered to be lower, it is still advised that you:  

  • Remember to take any essential medication or medical aids that you might need, e.g. walking sticks. 
  • Where possible leave your windows open. 
  • Take any important household documents. 

If you have already left your home for the day e.g. for work, please do NOT return to collect items.   

What about my children’s school or nursery? 

A number of schools and nurseries will be closed to enable this operation to happen. These include:  

  • Keyham Barton Catholic Primary School  
  • Drake Primary School 
  • Morice Town Primary School  
  • UTC Plymouth  
  • Pelican Children’s Day Care  
  • Morice Town Children’s Centre and nursery 

Parents and carers will be contacted by their schools directly to confirm the arrangements.   

What do local businesses need to do?  

All businesses within the cordon will need to close and evacuate. 

I have an appointment at a GP / hospital or a health professional is due to come to my home – what do I do?  

You will not be able to attend any appointments within the cordon. Therefore, you will need to liaise with the NHS orehalth professional to rebook any necessary appointments.  

Can I leave my car behind?  

As long as your vehicle does not block the route then you do not need to move your car.  

What about my pets?  

We would ask that you please make arrangements for your pets to stay either at home or with friends and family.  

What will the impact be for public transport?  

As the main train line travels through the 300m cordon, trains will be held for the duration of the operation and buses will be diverted. Please check with train and bus company websites for updates and information.   

I have nowhere to go – what do I do?  

For those residents who need help and support, the Life Centre is open. At the centre is: 

  • Creche 
  • Room for 9-17 year olds 
  • Faith room 
  • Help point  
  • Tea, coffee, water 

How are you letting people know?  

Similarly to the previous cordon, colleagues from the Police and other partners will be visiting homes in the area to ask them to leave their homes by 2pm and we anticipate that people will be able to return by 5pm. In addition, we are also:  

The Council has already booked me into a hotel or bed and breakfast – how do I get home when the cordon has reopened?  

If you are unable to travel home due to health or mobility issues, please contact 01752 668000.  

Thursday 22 February - 9pm

Update from the NHS:

The NHS in Devon is taking standard precautionary measures to make sure capacity is available to support the multi-agency response to the unexploded bomb in Plymouth – particularly in the face of ongoing winter pressures affecting the local health system.

Declaring critical incident status for the county’s health services can make it easier for local NHS partners to work together to take the necessary steps to manage NHS resources to meet local demands.

There is already a major incident in operation, led by the police, to manage the response to the unexploded bomb discovered in Keyham. The NHS is aligning its actions and planning with other local agencies as part of the ongoing response.

University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust is, separately, experiencing severe pressures on their services currently.

NHS Devon, the local headquarters of the NHS, has been working closely with all the agencies involved in the police major incident in Plymouth.

Local people can do their bit by using the right NHS service for their need when their condition is not an emergency or life-threatening.

The advice from NHS Devon is to:

  • Continue to call 999 in emergency and life-threatening cases - when someone is seriously ill or injured, or their life is at risk
  • Go to NHS 111 online if you need medical help or advice, or you are unsure about whether you should go to hospital; you can also phone 111
  • Please check local hospital trust websites for information on Minor Injury Units and Urgent Treatment Centres. Further information can be found here: Health Pressures - One Devon
  • Play your part by taking simple steps to look after yourselves and loved ones, checking in on vulnerable family members and neighbours. A first step is making sure your medicine cabinet is well-stocked.
  • Please pick up loved ones who are ready to be discharged from hospital.
  • Make use of community pharmacies, which can advise on minor illnesses and provide medications. Details about local pharmacies be found via the interactive map here: Find a pharmacy - NHS (
  • If you, or someone you know, experiences a mental health crisis you can access support from a number of places:
  • 24/7 urgent mental health helpline 0808 196 8708
  • Mental Health Matters helpline (24/7) 0800 470 0317
  • Mental Health Crisis Line Plymouth is open 24/7 0800 923 9323
  • Samaritans 1116 123
  • Text SHOUT to 85258 for 24/7 text support

Patient safety is our top priority. It is critical that those needing emergency or life-saving care contact 999 or attend ED but we ask everyone else to choose the best service for their medical need. For conditions that are not life-threatening, we ask people to consider 111, their GP or local pharmacy first.

Thursday 22 February - 6pm

When is the device going to be disposed and the area reopened?

We appreciate the patience of residents who have been evacuated from the area around St Michael Avenue, where work is under way to make an unexploded wartime bomb safe. The bomb disposal experts are still assessing the device to determine the best possible approach. It is a very complex situation. We know that residents are keen to know what is happening and when, but unfortunately we aren’t in a position to confirm any of the detail. We will provide further updates tomorrow. The Police and door knocking team continue to visit any remaining residents within the cordon.

Will the Life Centre remain open tonight?

Over 340 people visited the Life Centre today. We can confirm that the Centre will continue to be open throughout the night and tomorrow, to provide any support to people who have been evacuated. If you are unable to get to the Life Centre and need additional support, please call: 01752 668000, which will be available throughout the night.

Update on Life Centre closure to customers

Plymouth Life Centre will remain closed to its members and customers on Friday 23 February as it continues to support the Council in its emergency response to the current situation in Keyham.  Normal activities at the Centre will not go ahead tomorrow, but customers are encouraged to use Plympton Community Swimming Pool and gym as an alternative venue.

Volunteer door knocking in Keyham
Volunteer door knocking in Keyham

Thursday 22 February - 1pm

We are aware that there are many questions about what is happening at Keyham. Whilst we are unable to respond to all your questions individually on social media, we are seeing them and trying to gather the answers for the next scheduled update!  

Will the cordon be extended even further and what is the plan for the disposing of the device?

The bomb disposal experts are still assessing the device to determine the best possible approach. At this time there is no plan to extend the cordon past the 309m. However, we will provide an update when we have further information.

I live within the cordon can I return home at all?

If you have been evacuated, you are able to return to your property to collect urgent, essential items ONLY. This includes medication or to collect a pet. If you need to collect something, please approach the cordon and speak to the Police. You do NOT need to return to your property to collect your car or switch off appliances or utilities.

Will my house be safe (in terms of crime) within the cordon?

The cordon will be manned by the police throughout the whole process. There will be additional street patrols as well. Throughout the whole process there will be a significant police presence in the area.

I live outside of the cordon and need some support – where should I go?

We are advising anyone evacuated within the cordon to go to the Life Centre. However, The Jan Cutting and Wolseley Building Wellbeing Hubs are open and can provide advice and support with practical issues and mental health.

Can I still go to the Beacon Centre for support?

Whilst the PCH Beacon Centre is no longer a rest centre for the evacuation – it is still open as usual as a community space and café.  For those needing rest centre support – please go to the Life Centre.

I am a PCH tenant, what should I do?

Please follow the advice published by Plymouth City Council if you are asked to evacuate. PCH staff are based at a stand at the Life Centre with up to 9 housing officers available who can offer advice, help and practical support.

You can also contact the housing team on 0808 230 6500.

PCH staff who are at the Life Centre
PCH staff at the Life Centre to support evacuated tenants

Thursday 22 February - 10am

Top FAQs we are being asked:

How many people are impacted by the 309m cordon

In the current cordon there are 1,219 properties an estimated 3,250 people.

I was evacuated as part the original 200m cordon - do I need to return to turn off my water?

No. The water will be turned off within the whole cordon. The requirement to turn off water supplies at home is just advisory.

Can I volunteer?

We are also getting lots of offers from people who would like to volunteer at the Rest Centre or offer donations. Thank you so much for those offers, but we have ample staff from the Council and partners. At this time no further support is needed. We will update if the situation changes.

Is the Life Centre open to members for e.g. a swim?

Unfortunately no. Because we are using the Life Centre as an emergency rest centre, the Life Centre will be closed to members and other customers. We are sorry about this. Please check the Plymouth Active Leisure website for further updates.

I live in the cordon and need to move my car – where do I park?

Anyone going to the rest centre at the Life Centre, or needs to find temporary parking outside of the cordon, can park at the Milehouse Park and Ride for the duration - no parking tickets will be issued.

Is there an impact to the city-wide waste and recycling service?

Obviously there are no collections within the cordon area. There might also be an impact on the neighbouring streets if crews struggle to get access near the cordon. Any area missed will be revisited as soon as we can get access.

Is there an impact on the bus network?

We have been advised by CityBus that there is an impact on some of their bus routes:

#PCB14 is diverted via Saltash Road -Wolseley Road to Beacon Park

#PCB33 will not serve Moor View or Station Road instead using Melville Road

#PCB112 using Saltash Road

No service Royal Navy Avenue or Admiralty St.

Please check their website and social media for an update.

How have people been told they need to evacuate if they don’t have access to social media or the website?

Any vulnerable person that is known to the Council has been contacted directly and we have worked closely with local community groups and organisations to cascade information out. In addition, this morning a team of 200 volunteer doorknockers from organisations including: Mountain Rescue, Search and Rescue, 4x4 responders, the Police, military and fire service have been in the Keyham area, visiting each house, providing information and an offer of support if people need help.

Image of the Police giving a briefing to the door knockers
Police briefing the door knocking team at Home Park.

Thursday 22 February - 7am

The rest centre is now open at the Life Centre

If you are leaving home today due to the evacuation and require any help or support – please go to there and staff will be able to help.

  • Creche
  • Room for 9-17 year olds
  • Faith room
  • Help point for those needing somewhere to stay
  • Tea, coffee, water and catering
  • Blankets, towels, toothbrushes and toothpaste

A free shuttle bus, provided by Plymouth Citybus will pick up throughout today starting at 8am and take people to the Life Centre who do not have access to their own transport. Buses will pick up at Wolseley Road (Wolseley Road Flats outbound), Saltash Road (St Johnstone Social Club inbound) and St Levan Road (Ryder Road inbound). Buses will be every 15 minutes.

If you are driving to the Life Centre, you can park at the Milehouse Park and Ride for the duration - no parking tickets will be issued. If you are being evacuated and need to find somewhere to park your car - there is enough space at the Park and Ride. It is free for anyone being displaced.

We are also getting lots of offers from people who would like to volunteer at the Rest Centre or offer donations. Thank you so much for those offers, but we have ample staff from the Council and partners. At this time no further support is needed. We will update if the situation changes.

Please remember - if you need help or support evacuating - please call: 01752 668000.

Life Centre rest centre
The Life Centre evacuation centre.

Wednesday 21 February - 10pm


We are working hard to cascade information out into the community for those who will be impacted by the extended cordon tomorrow morning. If you are getting ready tonight to leave your home tomorrow, please remember the below before you leave.

  • You need to leave your home by 9am.
  • The Beacon Centre is now closed. If you need help or support evacuating - please call: 01752 668000 (open throughout the night)
  • Make sure you have essential items e.g. clothes, medicines and baby items etc for at least a 36 hour period.
  • The Life Centre is open from 7am for those who need help and support.
  • Switch off all appliances before you leave.
  • Where possible leave your windows open.
  • Remove your car from the affected area.
  • We also strongly recommend that you turn off the stop tap to isolate water to your property. This may be out in the footpath or an internal stop tap within the property itself. It is also likely that you will loose your water supply whilst the operation is under taken.
  • Take any important household documents

Early tomorrow morning, there will be colleagues from the local police and other organisations door knocking in the area to hand out these letters with information.

Impact on other Council services:

In addition, we are aware that there will be an impact to a number of other Council services, as a result of the cordon, e.g. waste and recycling services. Obviously there will be no collections in the cordoned off area whilst it is in place, and it is likely that other routes may be impacted. We will be provide a further update on this tomorrow.

What will be in the Life Centre tomorrow?

For those residents who need help and support, the Life Centre will be open from 7am tomorrow morning. At the centre will be:

  • Creche
  • Room for 9-17 year olds
  • Faith room
  • Help point for those needing somewhere to stay
  • Tea, coffee, water and catering
  • Blankets, towels, toothbrushes and toothpaste

Wednesday 21 February - 6.30pm

Cordon to extend from 9am on Thursday morning

Following advice from the Army, the cordon around the major incident on St Michael Avenue will be extended from 200 metres to just over 300 metres from 9am on Thursday morning to allow ordnance disposal experts to work on the unexploded device.

This cordon is likely to be in place for at least a 36-hour period.

Teams from the Council and partner agencies will be in the area to knock on the doors of affected properties from 8am to ensure that residents have the support they need.

Residents are being encouraged to make arrangements to stay with friends and family over the next couple of days. A rest centre at the Life Centre will be open to support with the arrangement of accommodate people who do not have this option.

We are advising residents who have homes that fall within the new cordon to take enough clothes and any medical prescriptions or equipment for the next couple of days to ensure they have the support they need when they evacuate.

Regular updates will be provided through Plymouth City Council’s Twitter and Facebook pages and on

We know that this will be worrying, but please be assured Plymouth City Council, the local Police, NHS and other partners are working closely together to ensure your safety and wellbeing whilst this process is being undertaken.

Residents in the existing 200m cordon will be able to collect any urgent items from their homes that they may need over the next 36 hours from this evening. This can be done by approaching police officers at the cordon.

The Beacon Centre will remain open until 10pm tonight. If you are unable to evacuate or you need additional help and support, please call: 01752 668000 (available over the next 24 hours)

Advice for residents evacuating tomorrow morning by 9am

Which roads are affected?
Residents who live in the following streets will be required to evacuate:

Alexandra Road, Alexandra Terrace, Alfred Place, Alfred Road, Barton Avenue, Beatrice Avenue, Bedford Street, Berkshire Drive, Brunel Avenue, Brunel Terrace, Cambridge Road, Clyde Street, Cotehele Avenue, Epworth Terrace, Henderson Place, Kempe Close, Kent Road, Maristow Avenue, Moor View, North Down Crescent, North Down Gardens, Ocean Street, Parkside, Railway Cottages, Renown Street, Royal Navy Avenue, Sanctuary Close, St. Aubyn Avenue, St. Michael Avenue, Station Road, Sussex Road, Sussex Terrace, Townshend Avenue, Warleigh Avenue, York Terrace.

In some case, only part of the street will be inside the cordon. Please check the map below. Teams will be out knocking on doors from 8am tomorrow.

Map of the 309m cordon area

Where do I go?
You will be most comfortable over the next few days with friends or family. So, we would encourage you to make your own arrangements. However, if that isn’t possible – from 7am tomorrow (Thursday) , the Plymouth Life Centre (Mayflower Drive, PL2 3DG) will be open where staff can provide help and support.

How I get to the Life Centre?
A free shuttle bus, provided by Plymouth Citybus will pick up throughout tomorrow starting at 8am and take people to the Life Centre who do not have access to their own transport. Buses will pick up at Wolseley Road (Wolseley Road Flats outbound), Saltash Road (St Johnstone Social Club inbound) and St Levan Road (Ryder Road inbound). Buses will be every 15 minutes.

What about my pets?
We know that this is really difficult, but we would ask that you please make arrangements for your pets to stay with friends and family. Please remember to take their pet food.

What should I take with me?
Please take enough clothes for the next couple of days. Remember to take any medications or medical equipment that you might need, including walking sticks, frames or walking aids. Please take any hygiene products you may need. You are also advised to take any important household documentation with you.

I have a baby – what should I take?
If you are going to the Life Centre and are taking a baby, please make sure you bring sterilising equipment, nappies, baby milk etc. There are facilities at the Life Centre to warm milk in the cafe and also baby changing areas.

What if I don’t want to evacuate?
The military advice is clear – if you live within 309m of the device, you will need to evacuate to ensure your safety. Also, it is likely that you will loose your water supply whilst the operation is undertaken.

What do I do before I leave home?
Please remember to switch off all appliances before you leave your home and where possible leave your windows open. Cars should be removed from inside the cordon.   

We also strongly recommend that you turn off the stop tap to isolate water to your property. This may be out in the footpath or an internal stop tap within the property itself.

By doing this it will prevent any extended damage to the property should there be an internal plumbing fitting leak.
When returning to your property we advise you to slowly reopen the stop tap to restore water inside the property and keep a careful watch for any leaks. Should you find that a leak has occurred you should contact a reputable plumber and your insurance provider.

I am not physically able to leave my home
If you need help in order to leave your home safely – please call: 01752 668000

What about my children’s school or nursery?
There are no schools or nurseries within the 309m cordon. Therefore, all schools in the city will remain open.

I would like to talk to someone about my mental health
If you are currently struggling with your mental health and feel like you are in a crisis, call Livewell’s First Response service via NHS 111 (selecting the mental health option) for advice, support and signposting from one of our mental health professionals.
If you find you are struggling to cope, feeling low, anxious or overwhelmed by your thoughts or feelings (but not in a current crisis, in which case call 111 mental health option) then call NHS Talking Therapies Plymouth on 01752 435419. Lines are open Monday to Friday (09.00-17.00)

I have an appointment at a GP / hospital or a health professional is due to come to my home – what do I do?
Please continue to attend scheduled GP or hospital appointments as planned. The NHS will contact you if your appointment needs to be rescheduled. If you have a professional coming to your home, we are working with the NHS and other care providers to coordinate. You will be contacted directly. However, if you have any questions – please call 01752 668000 who will be able to help.

I have to collect a prescription – what do I do?
All pharmacies across the city are open as usual.

Key contacts
If you are unable to evacuate or you need additional help and support, please call: 01752 668000 (available over the next 24 hours)

Wednesday 21 February - 4pm

Top FAQs we are being asked:

What's the current situation?

The current 200 metre cordon around the major incident on St Michael Avenue, Keyham, remains in place and will remain in place overnight tonight (Wednesday).

Any residents who were provided with temporary accommodation last night can use the Beacon Centre during the day and their accommodation will be rebooked for tonight. The Beacon Centre will be open until 10pm.

Will the cordon be extended to include more homes?

We don't know yet - our colleagues from the military are working on plans to make the device safe and we are awaiting their decision. Safety must be a priority. We will update as soon as we can.

I can see a lot of maps online and on social media – are they correct?

At the moment there is a lot of misinformation online – including maps. If the cordon is to be extended, we will publish an accurate map and a list of the roads that will be fully or partially impacted.

Why can’t you tell us more now?

We must await the full assessment by those who will be making the device safe about the extent of area that needs to be evacuated while the work takes place.

We understand that this is a worrying time for everyone and want to provide accurate information as soon as have it.

If it is extended, how much notice will you give?

The cordon will not be extended today and we will not be asking more residents to leave their homes tonight. If/when we are given the go ahead by the bomb disposal experts, we hope to be able to give residents at least 12 hours’ notice and carry out the evacuation in daylight.

However, residents who were evacuated last night, will not be able to return to their homes today. If you do not have somewhere to stay, please go and speak to the staff at the Beacon Centre. The Beacon Centre will be open until 10pm tonight (Wednesday).

I'm hearing that the Plymouth Life Centre will open as an evacuation centre. Is that right?

As part of the planning for these measures, a number of options are being considered for locations as a rest centre for those residents to use if needed, including potential use of the Plymouth Life Centre. To ensure the centre is available for use as an evacuation centre if required, customers are being notified that it will not be open from Thursday (22 February). However, the use of the Plymouth Life Centre has not been confirmed yet and the evacuation centre currently in use for those residents displaced from their homes remains the Beacon Centre.

Is the Beacon Centre staying open?

The Beacon Centre is being kept open by Plymouth Community Homes and staffed until 10pm. The café will continue to provide free tea, coffee and hot food to evacuated residents.

I would like to talk to someone about my mental health?  

If you are currently struggling with your mental health and feel like you are in a crisis, call Livewell’s First Response service via NHS 111 (selecting the mental health option) for advice, support and signposting from one of our mental health professionals.  

If you find you are struggling to cope, feeling low, anxious or overwhelmed by your thoughts or feelings (but not in a current crisis, in which case call 111 mental health option) then call NHS Talking Therapies Plymouth on 01752 435419.  Lines are open Monday to Friday (9am to 5pm).

Where can I get more information?

We completely understand that people are concerned and worried. It's a really stressful time. Please make sure that you are only taking in information from the right sources.

If you are unable to evacuate or you need additional help and support, please call: 01752 668000 (select option 0) This helpline will be available throughout the night.

Wednesday 21 February - 2.45pm

Experts are currently assessing all the measures needed to make the unexploded wartime device in St Michael Avenue, Keyham, safe, including the potential need for further residents to temporarily leave their homes.

As part of the planning for these measures, a number of options are being considered for locations as a rest centre for those residents to use if needed, including potential use of the Plymouth Life Centre. To ensure the centre is available for use as an evacuation centre if required, customers are being notified that it will not be open from Thursday 22 February.

However, the use of the Plymouth Life Centre has not been confirmed yet and the evacuation centre currently in use for those residents displaced from their homes remains the Beacon Centre.

This is a complex incident and we appreciate the patience of residents while work to resolve it progresses.

We will update residents as soon as more information is confirmed.

Wednesday 21 February - 1pm

A reminder that the Beacon Centre is open. There are colleagues from the Police and Plymouth City Council.

Councillor Sally Haydon and police meeting residents at the Beacon Centre
The Beacon Centre rest centre

Wednesday 21 February - 12 noon

We appreciate the patience of Keyham residents as agencies work together on arrangements to enable an unexploded wartime device to be made safe. 

Residents in the 200-metre area around St Michael Avenue who were asked to leave their homes yesterday for their safety are being asked to remain away from their homes while the work continues. 

The Beacon Centre remains open (until 5pm) as an Evacuation Centre for residents to use as an evacuation point – with staff from both the Council, Livewell Southwest and Plymouth Community Homes there to offer support. 

Any residents who were provided with temporary accommodation last night can use the Beacon Centre during the day and their accommodation will be rebooked for tonight.  

Bomb disposal experts continue to work on plans to make the unexploded device safe and it is still likely that the exclusion area will need to be expanded to enable this to happen.  

Plans for this are being urgently worked on by all relevant agencies and we will provide further updates in the next few hours once more information is available. 

Tuesday 20 February - 10pm

The cordon around the major incident on St Michael Avenue, Keyham, is set to remain in place overnight.

Residents who live within the cordoned off area and are unable to stay with friends or family, are being asked to call the Council on 01752 668000 where they can receive advice.

The cordon will be extended in the coming days, as ordnance disposal experts begin to work to make the unexploded wartime device safe, which we acknowledge will have significant impact. Further information will be shared when it is confirmed.

Residents who feel the need to collect pets or medicine are advised to approach police officers at the cordon.

In the event of medical issues, residents can contact 111 or, in an emergency, 999.

This is an ongoing incident and as a result, we are expecting a significant knock-on effect for the city's roads. A number of bus routes will also be suspended.

We would advise not travelling in the area unless it is absolutely necessary.

Further updates will be available on this web page and through the local media as information becomes available. This will include information about the support that will be available to residents with any further evacuation.