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Stand together and say ‘Enough’ to Violence Against Women and Girls

Plymouth is invited to stand firm and call ‘Enough’ to violence against women and girls this month, as part of the annual 16 Days of Activism campaign.  

The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence is an international campaign to challenge violence against women and girls. The annual campaign runs from 25 November (the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women) to 10 December (Human Rights Day). 

At the Full Council meeting (20 November) Councillor Sally Haydon, Plymouth City Council’s Cabinet Member for Community Safety, reiterated the Council’s commitment to combatting violence against women and girls, giving a full update on what has been achieved since the Plymouth VAWG Commission and presenting Safer Plymouth’s new Violence Against Women and Girls, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Strategy (DASV). 

The strategy and plan provides a clear structure for the city to deliver on its commitments and statutory responsibilities around this agenda.

Councillor Haydon emphasised that whilst much has been achieved over the past few years, we must not rest until violence against women and girls is confined to history.

She said: “It is staggering to think that one in three women in the UK have been subject to at least one form of sexual harassment over the past year. This is a shocking statistic.  

“We all need to come together and make sure that Plymouth is a safe place for everyone. The DASV Board strategy outlines exactly how organisations across the city will do just this. It is incumbent on us all to be held to account on the delivery of this vital plan.”  

As part of the 16 days of Activism, the Council, and its partners, have organised a packed timetable of webinars, awareness sessions and information events from the 25 November to the 10 December.  

In addition, the Council is joining local charity Trevi in their ‘Enough’ campaign, signalling to everyone in Plymouth that we are calling time on violence against women and girls and inviting others to do the same.  

Councillor Zoe Reilly, Plymouth City Council’s Champion for Violence Against Women and Girls, added: “The Trevi campaign is simple. Woman and girls have had enough. Enough of domestic violence, misogyny, gas-lighting, harassment, coercive control, unwanted behaviours, workplace harassment and revenge-porn.  

“For too long, the responsibility of keeping safe has been placed on the shoulders of women and girls. This campaign says enough, and recognises it is on all of us to demand major societal change. Everyone has a stake in this. 

"I hope that as many people as possible will take part in one of the events and activities over the next few weeks, and bit by bit we can help change behaviours and cultures over the weeks and months ahead.” 

Hannah Shead, Trevi CEO said: “Violence against women and girls is a serious issue in Plymouth, and we are saying ENOUGH to this injustice. Violence against women and girls is not only a threat on the streets, but also a hidden reality for women in their own homes. Something Trevi sees on a daily basis.

“We strongly encourage everyone to speak out against violence against women and to not remain silent. Our campaign message is clear: if you see it, call it out or report it. If you are experiencing it, seek help and support. “

"Violence against women is learned. Each of us must examine - and change - the way in which our own behaviour might enable, ignore or excuse all such forms of violence. As partners working together in the City, we are committed to creating positive cultural change around violence against women and girls."

During the 16 Days of Activism, there are a range of activities taking place, this includes awareness raising events, such as a peaceful walk centred around campaigning for change, webinars held by the Police surrounding stalking, and Trevi’s city-wide outdoor media campaign, you can read more on the Council's website:  16 Days of Activism | PLYMOUTH.GOV.UK

The Council will work with others across the city to deliver tangible actions that will tackle violence against women and girls, domestic abuse and sexual violence as part of this.  Read more here: Working together to end violence against women and girls | PLYMOUTH.GOV.UK