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The council has four regulatory committees which can make decisions that the Cabinet cannot.
Planning Committee
The Planning Committee makes decisions on some planning applications received by the public.
The agenda for the meeting contains reports on each item referred compiled by officers which will include the recommendation along with any condition or reasons for refusal. The reports are available for Members to review prior to the meeting along with the relevant plans and other information within the file. Officers will carry out a brief presentation for each item which may include relevant plans of the development and photographs of the site.
Audit and Governance Committee
The Audit and Governance Committee is responsible for overseeing the council's governance structure and constitution, it also independently reviewing the council's financial and risk management and for ensuring internal controls are adequate for council services.
Licensing Committee
The Licensing Committee is responsible for policy issues regarding licensing. The Council's Licensing Policy is based upon the Licensing Act 2003. The Licensing Committee makes orders designating a locality as an alcohol disorder zone, sets the terms and conditions of licences and sets the fees payable.
Licensing Sub-Committees
The licensing sub-committee decides applications made under the Licensing Act 2003 and Gambling Act 2005. It also set the terms and conditions of licences, permits or registrations and any fees or charges.
Taxi Licensing Committee
The Taxi Licensing Committee determines and reviews licence fees and terms and conditions of licences for taxis, private hire vehicles and other vehicles and operators. It also reviews applications for taxi and private hire drivers when objections to the licence have been received or when the applicant has a conviction
The Committee can withdraw or suspend licences for taxis and private hire drivers.