Call 999 if the child is in real danger now.
If you're worried about a child or young person or think they're being abused, even if you're unsure, call 01752 668000 or email Outside of normal working hours call Plymouth Out of Hours Service: 01752 346984.
The service is made up of multi-agency professionals who can give you advice, information and support. You can also contact the NSPCC if you want to talk to someone about your concerns and get advice.
What to report
Child abuse takes many forms including physical, sexual and emotional abuse, and neglect. Find out more about child abuse and how to spot the signs on the NSPCC website.
When you get in touch with us we'll ask you some questions such as:
- the child's name and date of birth
- the address and contact details for the child's parent or carer
- why you think the child is at risk or is being abused
What happens once it's been reported
All agencies involved with the child, such as the police or the child's school, will work out together what support is needed to keep them safe.
Sometimes there's nothing to worry about and we don't need to do anything. Sometimes we need to put together a plan to make sure the child is kept safe.
Everyone involved will work hard with the family to keep the child at home, but if it's not safe for them to stay with their family then in some cases a child can be taken in to care to keep them safe.
Referrals by professionals
Call 999 if the child is in real danger now.
If you have safeguarding concerns about a child that requires a social worker please send the MASH contact form to
If you're a professional with an urgent child protection concern, make an immediate referral by calling the Multi-Agency Hub on 01752 668000 (or 01752 346984 out of hours)
You'll be asked to follow up your call by submitting a MASH contact form which you can download from the Plymouth Safeguarding Children Partnership website.