Community Builders work with identified neighbourhoods of the city and with particular communities of identity. They embed themselves in communities and take an Asset Based Community Development approach.
Community Builders do this by finding out what people within a community care enough about so they can work together to change, develop and/or sustain. This involves spending time listening to people to use existing strengths, organisations and passions as a starting point for greater connection, activity and collective support. They will work with residents and members of the community around these issues and help them find local solutions, together with friends, neighbourhoods and other members of the community. Together they take actions to connect and improve their wellbeing.
There is a Community Builder for these areas:
- Barne Barton
- Devonport
- Honicknowle
- Stonehouse
- East End
- Efford
- Estover
- Southway
And for these communities of interest and identity:
- ethnically diverse communities
- disabled people
- young people
- men
- older people
- family hubs
You can find and contact your community builder on Four Greens Community Trust CIC
“She makes a brilliant Bread and Butter Pudding and we used to go to the café just for that. I live in ‘The Towers’ and I first started doing some gardening down behind the social centre room. It’s good to be outside and do something that pleases me and makes the area look better so then makes others happy. I’m now part of the Green Devonport Partnership with the Community Builder which is really good because it’s all about sharing and helping others to do gardening and green activities. It gives people an interest which also helps their wellbeing. Plus I’m always meeting new people who either live or work in Devonport who all share an interest so always have something to talk about. I’m involved with the Cancer Champions project. I don’t mind talking about my times with Cancer and if it helps others it’s really important. I also arrange Coach Trips for the Community. We have fun and it’s open to anyone. I try to keep it as cheap as possible. I get good deals because I used to be a bus driver. It’s good to leave the city sometimes. And I help at Devonport Help a Neighbour Food Club. I like that lots of people know me.”
Male, 70s, says about knowing his local Community Builder
The Community Builders team is funded by NHS Devon and employed by Four Greens Community Trust, managed in partnership with Plymouth City Council.
For more information about the Community Builders Programme here email
Elsewhere in the city
Community Builders link to the Wellbeing Hub and Family Hub networks.
Community Builders work with the Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise sector to support networks and share learning and expertise.
Plymouth Octopus Project can provide support to local communities and organisations.