DEV32 requires all development to contribute to the 50% carbon reduction target by 2034, against a 2005 baseline, as well increasing the use and production of decentralised energy.
Sustainability statement
Please read in conjunction with the adopted Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).
The approach should be set out in either the Sustainability Statement or the Design and Access Statement. The report should cover, as a guide the following areas for the lifespan of the development:
Resource minimisation evaluation checklist
Materials and site features
- Construction materials and longevity, including embodied carbon
- Reuse of buildings or site features (where relevant), reducing construction waste and moving materials off site, or use of recycled materials
- Set out how any materials being reused or recycled from the existing building or site?
- Set out what new materials are being used to create the new building?
- Have materials been considered on the basis of carbon saving?
- Have local materials providers been proposed?
- Where demolition is proposed with replacement development, this should include comparative carbon impact of doing nothing, upgrading existing development and the proposed scheme
- Water demand and reduction, water recycling or harvesting
- Minimising waste from construction
- Opportunities for recycling on-site or at household level
Form of development
- Reducing travel by car through walkability, cycling and public transport
- Multi-functional buildings or adaptability to change use
- Compact development to minimise land take
Potential approaches/sources of information
Climate resilience evaluation
Developments need to demonstrate that they will be resilient to the main anticipated effects of a changing climate over its lifetime. The range of impacts related to climate change will depend to some extent on the location of the development and may include the following broad issues (not exhaustive):
- Changes in temperature (including heatwaves and risk of overheating)
- Changes in rainfall, with high rainfall events and risk of flooding
- Changes in wind speed/storm conditions
- Flood risk including coastal or inland
- Sea level increases
- Biodiversity losses
This evaluation can take the form of a risk assessment and mitigation strategy.
The risk assessment should identify the specific climate risks, consider the implications for the buildings, spaces, infrastructure, services and biodiversity, set out the magnitude of this risk, and measures to avoid or reduce this through mitigation.
Potential approaches/sources of information
- CIBSE TM59 overheating guidance
- NPPG guidance on climate change (206)
- Potential approaches could include, for example:
- Summer cooling through natural ventilation in buildings and avoiding solar gain in summer
- Multi-functional green infrastructure, which can reduce urban heat islands, manage flooding and help species adapt to climate change
- Sufficient space between buildings, tree planting, shading and street layouts which encourage air flow
- Use of light and reflective walls or paving, where appropriate, or vegetation on buildings, including green roofs
Energy statement or strategy
Please read in conjunction with the adopted Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).
DEV32.3 to DEV32.6
Stage 1
Calculate baseline energy consumption of the development, based on Building Regulations standard regulated use only. Use updated Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP 10) carbon emission factors to assess the expected carbon performance of a new development. Convert baseline energy consumption to baseline CO2 emissions through appropriate conversion factors as provided by the Departments for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS).
Stage 2
Recalibrate baseline CO2 emissions, taking account of reductions in energy consumption resulting from additional energy efficiency design measures beyond minimum standards in Building Regulations.
Stage 3
Clarify by reference to the Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), whether the development is within a District Energy Opportunity Area and also a Low Temperature Building Zone or if outside these areas has the following characteristics:
- Consisting of over 100 dwellings
- Having a heat demand density of 30kWh/ square meters of land area
- Having a mixed use nature for example, more than one use and being of large-scale (for example, greater than 3,000 square meters gross floor area)
- Including high process energy use such as data centre, swimming pool, laboratory, industry or other similar uses with high-energy demand, and/or
- Predicted to have a total heat or cooling demand in excess of 500MWh/annum including 'unregulated' energy demand
If this is relevant, set out how the development has addressed DEV32.6. For further information and technical connection packs visit our district energy page.
Stage 4
If not relevant, then the development needs to complete a Solar Masterplan report, to show how sunlight solar access has been optimised by:
- Aiming to achieve a minimum of 10 per cent Winter Probable Sunlight Hours (when applied to one window on a wall oriented within 90 degrees of south in the main living space);
- Aiming to achieve a minimum Vertical Sky Component of 27 per cent.
Provide a quantitative and qualitative report, detailing calculations following the methodology set out in guidance 'Site layout planning for daylight and sunlight: a guide to good practice (BR209)'. Set out any measures required to avoid the risk of overheating.
Where it is difficult to achieve the improvements, where existing site constraints, (neighbouring buildings, developments or features) the report should outline how daylight and sunlight have been optimised.
Where developments meet the standards and the applicants also commit to deliver glazing proportions, this may count as a credit of 5 per cent in relation to Stage 5.
Stage 5
Evaluate the onsite renewable energy options and If not deemed suitable, provide the reasons. Calculate the target CO2 emission reductions through onsite renewable or low carbon sources (being equivalent to 20 per cent of the baseline). Identify the proposed size/output and location.
Stage 6
If the above is not technically achievable set out further or alternative measures to achieve this.
The following tables should be completed for each element of the development (for example, retail, hotel and residential) and a final set should be completed for the development as a whole:
Carbon dioxide emissions (Tonnes CO2 per annum) | ||
Regulated | Unregulated | |
Baseline: Part L of the building regulations compliant development | ||
After passive and energy efficiency measures | ||
After the use of renewable/low carbon technologies |
Regulated carbon savings (above compliance with building regulations Part L) | ||
Tonnes CO2 per annum | % | |
Savings from passive and energy efficiency measures | ||
Savings from the use of renewable/low carbon technologies |