Plymouth and South West Devon Supplementary Planning Document (2020)
The Plymouth and South West Devon Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) July 2020 was adopted by Plymouth City Council on 22 June 2020, West Devon Borough Council on 9 June 2020 and South Hams District Council on 16 July 2020.
The SPD has been prepared by the three local authorities to amplify and give guidance on the implementation of the policies of the Plymouth and South West Devon Joint Local Plan (JLP).
Please see below the adopted version of the SPD and the adoption statement.
In addition to the SPD, there are two companion documents which have also been adopted to support the guidance within the SPD:
The Developer Contributions Evidence Base document has been updated to use the latest available national build costs for education, health and sport. This companion document updates the formulas and calculations used to determine the contributions required for mitigating the impact of development. It has been endorsed by the JLP Partnership Board and will be used with immediate effect to guide the negotiation of Section 106 Agreements. Its use is subject to transitionary arrangements that recognise schemes currently within the planning process may have already concluded negotiations on the current methodology
Climate Emergency Planning Policy and Guidance document consultation
Consultation took place in March/April 2022 on the Plymouth and South West Devon Climate Emergency Planning Policy and Guidance document
Visit our climate emergency planning policy and guidance page for more information and to make a comment.
Schedule of SPD corrections and update (Version 2: 9 September 2022)
SPD reference: DEV29.4 Paragraph 8.16 (page 156)
Change: Parking Standards for B1 general business use 1 space per 30m2 used by customers gross floorspace
Reason (Correction/Legislation/National Policy/Guidance): Correction
Date added: 20 December 2021
SPD reference: Paragraph 5.4, 5.27, 5.35, 5.44, 5.56. 8.16
Change: On 1 September 2020 the Town and Country Planning (use Classes Order 1987 (as amended) came into force. This means the removal of use classes A, B1 and D and introduction of new use classes E and F1, F2 and their sub classes, and details are on the Planning Portal. This change is noted but should not undermine the current policies and their consideration in any planning applications.
Reason (Correction/Legislation/National Policy/Guidance): Legislation
Date added: 20 December 2022
SPD reference: DEV7-DEV9
Change: The Government has introduced a new type of affordable housing product, known as First Homes. Further guidance is also available in the Written Ministerial Statement. We consider that in our circumstances the plan-making process is the most appropriate place to consider the role of ‘First Homes’ as part of the affordable housing tenure mix to meet local housing needs based on robust evidence. This allows the setting of appropriate market discounts and local price caps across the plan area to be properly considered and examined. This position is consistent with the Written Ministerial Statement and guidance set out in the PPG. Any proposals that insist on including ‘First Homes’ in the tenure mix are not considered to be consistent with JLP policies Dev7, Dev8 and Dev9 and the SPD which sets out the tenure mix preference in line with our housing needs evidence.
Reason (Correction/Legislation/National Policy/Guidance): National Planning Practice Guidance and Written Ministerial Statement
Date added: 9 September 2022
Past consultations and versions
Consultation on a draft SPD and draft companion documents ran from 13 November 2019 to 5pm on 6 January 2020.
Please see below links to the documents which were produced as part of this consultation:
To view the comments made please visit our consultation portal.