Why are flies a pest?
Flies can spread many human diseases, such as salmonella, E.coli 0157 and campylobacter which can cause food poisoning. These can result in severe diarrhoea and vomiting and occasionally, more serious complaints such as kidney failure.
Flying insects such as mosquitoes are less likely to spread disease in this country but their bites can be irritating and distressing.
Where are they found?
Anywhere: homes, businesses and other buildings and are attracted by food and rubbish. They are highly active in warm environments live homes and kitchens, laying their eggs amongst the food and waste matter. Flies spread bacteria because they travel from different food sources feeding as they go and causing cross contamination.
How to prevent an infestation
- Frequently clean and disinfect your home especially the kitchen
- Clear up spilt food and liquids immediately
- Clean food debris from under appliances
- Keep food covered and under temperature control, for example in the fridge
- Clean up after your pets
- Keep drains clear and free running
- Keep bins covered with a well fitting lid
- Keep water butts covered with a well fitting lid
- Don't allow standing water in other garden equipment
What we do
Our pest control officers will be able to locate the source of the problem and treat it, using methods that will ensure the safety of the public and minimise damage to the environment.
We will:
- treat flies found in private homes
- treat flies for private and housing association landlords
- treat flies in commercial businesses
See our pest control fees page for details.
We ask for payment at the time of booking and accept debit or credit cards. Call us on 01752 304147 or email pestcontrol@plymouth.gov.uk.