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Visit the government website to view the OPG’s updated safeguarding policy.

The Office of the Public Guardian’s role in safeguarding adults at risk:

The ways the OPG works to prevent abuse include:

  • Making people aware of legal safeguards such as lasting powers of attorney and the services of OPG and the Court of Protection. We promote safeguarding through talks, training, presentations, publicity and work with our key stakeholders and partners;
  • Supervising deputies appointed by the Court of Protection to make decisions on behalf of someone who lacks mental capacity;
  • Developing and reviewing strategies and policies about protecting our clients, both within the Ministry of Justice and in partnership with other government departments and external partners;
  • Making sure systems are in place to prevent or reduce the possibility of a member of OPG staff abusing an adult at risk;
  • Working with other agencies, including adult social services and the police.

The diagram below shows the different sides of the OPG’s role in safeguarding people who lack mental capacity.

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