Urban design is the art of making places for people. It's concerned with the arrangement, appearance and function of towns and cities. It involves the design of buildings, groups of buildings, spaces and landscapes, and the establishment of frameworks and processes that facilitate successful development. Urban design operates from the city-wide scale right down to the design of street furniture and lighting.
Our urban design service:
- works with our partner Design West, to deliver independent design review of proposed development.
- provides design advice through the planning application process.
- shapes planning policy.
- creates and influences design codes, masterplans, design frameworks and guidance for areas and sites.
- drives up the design quality of the built environment of Plymouth.
The National Planning Policy Framework and Joint Local Plan contain a number of policies that require high quality design.
In addition, Plymouth's key urban design guidance documents include:
Supplementary Planning Document 2020 - key document, promoting good urban design in Plymouth and the wider Joint Local Plan area,
Intensifying the city centre as a regional mixed-use destination is a fundamental objective.
Enhancing the waterfront as an attractive mixed-use destination, whilst safeguarding its key industries is a central objective.
- Site planning statements - encouraging investment in high quality design outcomes for key development opportunity sites