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Bullying in schools

If you think your child is being bullied you should talk to them about it. Bullying is unacceptable they don't have to put up with it.

You should contact your child's school first to discuss the issue. Speak with the most relevant person; this may be their class teacher in a primary school or their Head of Year in a secondary school.

Schools take allegations of bullying seriously and will investigate the matter. You'll need to provide:

  • the name(s) or a description of the alleged bullies.
  • what happened
  • specific details such as locations and times

Bullying can be:

  • threats and physical violence
  • racist, homophobic or sexist behaviour towards others
  • name calling
  • damage to property
  • leaving pupils out of social activities on purpose
  • spreading rumours
  • cyberbullying - bullying by mobile phone or online

The school will deal with the matter in a sensitive manner, avoiding if possible making the situation worse. This will normally involve speaking to individual students and collecting evidence to support any disciplinary action that may follow.

All schools must have an anti-bullying policy and must record all incidences by category.

If you aren't happy with the outcome of the investigation, you can ask the school to investigate it further. You should check the school's complaints procedure.

Further information

More Information on bullying at school is available on GOV.UK. and through the Anti Bullying Alliance.

Inclusion, attendance and welfare service

Contact our inclusion, attendance and welfare service for further information and advice.

Email: [email protected]