Council Tax bands and charges 2024/25
Band | Annual Council Tax charge |
A | £1,476.58 |
B | £1,722.68 |
C | £1,968.77 |
D | £2,214.87 |
E | £2,707.06 |
F | £3,199.25 |
G | £3,691.45 |
H | £4,429.74 |
Check your Council Tax band
Your Council Tax band depends on the valuation your property has been given by the Valuation Office Agency and is based on the property's market value as of 1 April 1991.
Check your Council Tax band on GOV.UK.
If you think your band is wrong
The Valuation Office Agency (VAO) is responsible for deciding which band a property is in.
If you think your Council Tax band is wrong you can find out how to appeal on GOV.UK .
If you appeal, you must continue to pay Council Tax until your appeal is decided.
Changes to your property
If we have sent you a letter about a planning application that has been granted on your property, you need to complete the Council Tax improvement request form.