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As the Independent Chair of the Plymouth Safeguarding Adult Partnership (PSAP), I’m pleased to be able to introduce our annual report for the year ending April 2021.

The previous year has been dominated by the Covid 19 pandemic and the impacts on the international community which has affected us all in so many different ways. The situation developed rapidly and demanded a significant response across the entire partnership network. In Plymouth all agencies responded quickly and adjusted positively to the crisis, working in new ways to coordinate activity in a determined effort to keep our communities safe. The need to protect the well-being of staff was also a collective aim of partner agencies, staff that showed remarkable skill, commitment and resilience in the face of unprecedented challenge. It’s only right to acknowledge the outstanding work our teams delivered, and continue to deliver, in the face of seriously difficult and complex social and health dynamics.

During the pandemic, the PSAP recognised the increased operational pressures partner agencies were responding to, and therefore positioned itself to monitor ways adults were safeguarded, maintaining oversight on the arrangements. More focused meetings of the Executive Group were held, and strong links were established with other groups in the city. Communication that safeguarding services remained open for support was a critical message that needed to reach communities, and agencies worked hard to deliver this.

A large amount of our planned business and developments had to be put on hold as the emergency responses to Covid 19 were rightly prioritised. The partnership kept abreast of emerging learning and work across the UK to support safeguarding locally. In particular, it was recognised that safeguarding enquiries continued to rise over the last year in part due to the stronger messaging and more sensitive reporting systems. The proportion of those referrals categorised as ‘self-neglect’ continued to be high, as they were pre-Covid. This led to the commissioning of bespoke analysis in early 2021, to help agencies understand the prevalence and related issues in Plymouth, and develop appropriate responses including targeted preventative work. The analysis will be finalised later this year and will offer an opportunity to consider new approaches to practice and recording.

The year ahead will require our continued focus on the system to safeguard those adults with care and support needs that are being abused or are at risk of abuse or neglect. Our planning is advanced as we look to deliver work in a number of areas, and new PSAP Business Plan 2021-24 will guide the work of the sub groups of the Partnership and requests for assurance from partners. The scale of work and level of ambition we have set ourselves is significant, but I’m confident the PSAP retains a determination to learn and improve upon the way it works and will apply these qualities to the challenges of the year ahead.

Andrew Bickley

Independent Chair, Plymouth Safeguarding Adults Partnership

June 2021