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3.16 Multi-agency public protection arrangements (MAPPA)

1. Introduction

The Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) is a set of arrangements to manage the risk posed by certain sexual and violent offenders. They bring together the Police, Probation and Prison services into what is known as the MAPPA Responsible Authority.

2. Purpose

The purposes of MAPPA are:

  • To ensure that more comprehensive risk assessments are completed, taking advantage of co-ordinated information-sharing across the agencies; and
  • To direct the available resources to best protect the public from serious Harm.

3. Criteria

The criteria for referral to MAPPA relates to sexual and violent offences. A number of offenders will require extensive multi-agency management and their risk management plans will be formulated and monitored via Multi Agency Public Protection Panels (MAPPA panels) attended by senior representatives of various agencies.

4. Referral Route

4.1 Police

Information shared at the Strategy stage of the Adult Safeguarding Framework may identify significant risk to the wider public from a known individual. It would be appropriate at this stage to consider a referral via the Police into the MAPPA process, in order that these risks may be assessed and managed.

4.2 Safeguarding Adults Concern

Likewise information shared during the MAPPA process may identify an Adult at Risk who is or is likely to be experiencing or at risk of abuse or neglect. It would be appropriate at this stage to consider a referral into the Adult Safeguarding Framework to ensure that the risks to the Adult at Risk are assessed and managed.

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