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Alert - An Alert is identified as an expression of concern, suspicion or allegation that an adult is at risk of abuse or is experiencing abuse.

Alerter - An Alerter is the person who raises the concern.

Anyone can be an Alerter. Anyone can see if abuse is happening; anyone can be told about or suspect that it may be happening. Alerters can be health or social care workers; volunteers; residential or nursing home staff; police officers; council staff; community workers, family members, friends or members of the public.

The responsibility of the Alerter, if they are a staff member, is to pass their concern or suspicion over to their line manager or senior in charge as soon as possible, who should then call the Plymouth Single Point of Contact. Members of the public can contact this number direct.

Responsible Person - The person who receives the concern from the Alerter is called the Responsible Person. It is the role of the Responsible Person to receive and review the information provided, and any action taken, by the Alerter Responsible Persons can be Care Managers, Managers or Team Managers of services or agencies, supervisors, or others as identified through their internal process.

Safeguarding Lead - The Safeguarding Lead is the designated person(s) within each organisation or agency who manages the safeguarding process within their organisation. Safeguarding Managers need to be at an appropriate level of seniority and responsibility within an agency to ensure that they can make relevant decisions and take appropriate action(s) as necessary within the safeguarding process. Safeguarding Leads should be identified by each agency in their own internal guidance.

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