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Register a birth

When to register

You must register a birth within 42 days of the birth at the register office in the district where the birth takes place.

Who can register a birth

Find out who can register a birth on GOV.UK.

Parental responsibility

Information regarding parental responsibility can be found on GOV.UK.

Where to register

You should register the birth at the local register office for the area where the baby was born.

You can check which council covers the area where the baby was born on GOV.UK.

How to register

You can register a birth in Plymouth at the Plymouth Register Office.

You must make an appointment to register a birth. Do not visit the Register Office unless you have an appointment.

There is no cost to register a birth.

Certificates cost £12.50 each.

You will be able to buy copies of the birth certificate at any time after the registration.

What to bring to the appointment

It helps us if you bring something to the appointment that shows your full name, such as:

  • your passport or driving licence
  • a bank statement
  • a gas, water or electric bill
  • your marriage or civil partnership certificate

You can still make an appointment and register a birth if documents are not available.

You don't need to bring the baby to your appointment.

What information we need to know

When registering the birth, we will ask you for the:

  • baby’s place and date of birth
  • time of birth, where more than one baby was born
  • baby’s names and sex
  • parents’ names and any previous names, including maiden name
  • parents’ addresses
  • parents’ places and dates of birth
  • parents’ jobs
  • month and year of marriage or civil partnership, if any

Correcting a mistake on a birth certificate

When registering a birth it is very important that you check the register page presented to you by the registrar.

You are signing to say that the information is correct and true.

Once signed the responsibility for the entry being correct lies with the person who registered. 

If you notice a mistake after your appointment we may not be able to correct it. If we can correct it, there may be a fee of £83 or £99, depending on what needs to be changed. 

Email if you need further advice or need to re-arrange your appointment.